Kara walker # 1

Kara Walker - revised

Kara walker # 3

KARA WALKER opened a show of new work at SIKKEMA JENKINS & Co., on March 4, 2006. These are some of the larger pieces.

Photos: Nancy Smith

more photos from the show, including a photo of KARA WALKER, at the opening, and a scan of the show’s beautiful and unique poster.

~TAKA KAWASHI/the rest is total silence/ atm

Taka Kawashi curates

‘the rest is total silence’ – curated by TAKA KAWASHI – at atm Gallery – in their new space at: 619b W 27 – the show opened on JULY 6 and runs thru JULY 28th, 2006 –
note: the gallery has summer hours in effect – open from Tuesdays to Fridays only.

The show features an interesting and ‘light’ selection of work by: BRIAN DeGRAW (well known for his role in the NYC band – THE GANG GANG CLUB), FRENCH – a Brit, who is well known in London for his graphic designs & work on skateboard decks, MAYA HAYUK and KIYOSHI KURODA. MAYA HAYUK produced the image for the card. (above)

photos from the opening


~Band of Horses

Band of Horses-CD cover

Band of Horses # 2- DOG

Band of Horses # 3

BENJAMIN BRIDWELL (above left, both photos) and MAT BROOKE (right) of Band of Horses.
(Photos: Robin Laamanen – courtesy Sub Pop Records)

The debut CD of Band of Horse, EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME,
on first listen was so musically seductive and “sweet”, that I was suspicious as to its
substance. After several spins, that concern disappeared in the face of the dark gravity
of the lyrics.

Benjamin Bridwell and Mat Brooke, the core of this lyric and guitar rich band, have crafted
a CD filled with little, intimate, haunting pop-folk jewels, alongside big soaring epic guitar ballads.

The breadth and depth of the guitars owe a debt to that west coast guitar-god,
Doug Martsch aka BUILT TO SPILL, while the underlying, driving beat and tempo
(on the fast songs) remind me in a funny way of the early RAMONES.

All 10 songs are great and are placed in an order on the CD that is seamless.
The more elaborate songs: “The Funeral”, “The Great Salt Lake”, and “Monsters”
are good examples of the powerful beauty contained in this CD.
Play all the way through, and loud for best results.

Band of Horses, EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME, Sub Pop Records, 2006


Brian Belott

Brian Belott’s collaged artist books ! books ! books!

Michael mahalchick paris

Michael Mahalchick – scavenged, stitched, woven and whatever ! sculpture !

Photos: courtesy Atelier Cardenas Bellanger, Paris

JUST IN FROM PARIS !! .. for its summer exhibit the Atelier Cardenas Bellanger is pleased to announce a 2 person show of the New York based artists: BRIAN BELOTT and MICHAEL MAHALCHICK.

… “both artists employ a certain obsessive-compulsive sensibility for accumulating traces of their creative gestures; and yet this explosive gestural expression is contained in tight, compact forms. It is this sensibility that creates an almost child-like play between retention and expulsion. Both artists also share, albeit in different ways, a certain debt to the ready-made, with both creating their work based on objects and graphics with a pre-determined history, lending their work a certain hint of nostalgia.” – from the press release – … the French way of saying things, is so interesting, you can see an immediate cultural shading, so different from our own.

Its worth checking out the Atelier Cardenas Bellanger, PARIS website. They’ve put on some really interesting shows, several, looks like at least 3, involving downtown’s favorite artist & musician, DEVENDRA BANHART. “Yo mire un garza mora dandole combate a un rio” a group show, that ran from Oct 8-Nov 12, 2005, was curated by Devendra and included work by MATTEAH BAIM, VASHTI BUNYAN, WILL LEMON & RED BONE SLIM (Bianca Cassady).

(can you remember the summer CANADA first showed Devendra’s works & they were going for $200 a piece – Art Lovers can: check out: artnet archives 2003) & scroll down to the JUNE 14, 2003 CANADA show – “You Are My Sunshine, You Is My Sunshine”)

There also appears to be a show in the works at Atelier Cardenas Bellanger, for the DANIEL REICH artist, L. A. based, HENRY TAYLOR – coming up DEC 2006 – JAN 2007

Atelier Cardenas Bellanger
43, rue Quincampoix, 75004 Paris, France

BRIAN BELOTT & MICHAEL MAHALCHICK have extensive coverage on artlovers.
use the SEARCH


~MEGAN WHITMARSH/Snowmonkeys in Japan





Megan-snow-logo #1

Megan-snow-logo # 2

MEGAN WHITMARSH produced a small soft cover book, ‘Snowmonkeys in Japan’, in 2003. It is a bilingual journey. some American ‘tourists’ visit Japan & some Japanese ‘tourists’ come to America. The top image is the front cover, the 2nd image down is the back cover, the 3rd image is the 1st page of the first story, told in English, and the 4th image is the 1st page of the 2nd narrative, all in Japanese. the 2 ‘logos’ appear on each side of the middle page – which separates the book into two ‘halves’.

photos of Megan Whitmarsh & her work
– ‘FOREST LOGIC’, Sixtyseven, NYC, April 2, 2005

more photos, ‘PORCH SHOW’ – Cinders, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NYC, July 11, 2005

Megan Whitmarsh

Megan's card

~MEGAN WHITMARSH/Elaine Levy Project/Bruxelles

Megan Pink Trash


Rue Fourmois, 9


~MEGAN WHITMARSH/Branch Gallery/Durham NC

Megan Branch Gallery

image: Megan Whitmarsh, ‘Modern Sculpture’, 2006

the card for: BRANCH GALLERY, DURHAM, North Carolina PRESENTS
19 MAY – 1 JULY, 2006

IN GALLERY ONE: Megan Whitmarsh – ‘Shangri-La’

IN GALERY TWO: Jennifer Muskopf – ‘Points of Contact’


image: Jennifer Muskopf, ‘Acacia Tree’, 2005



Banned from Televison 7- card

The card for ‘BANNED FROM TELEVISON 7’ – [CLIQUE HERE FOR DETAILS] – a group show of 7 pretty famous street artists: DAZE, CYCLE, WON, RON ENGLISH, SACHA JENKINS SHR, RYAN MICHAEL KELLY & RAMMELZEE – curated by DAZE & SACHA JENKINS SHR. The card was designed by: dsgn/swagger.

The show opened at the The Canal Chapter, 343 Canal St, 4th Floor, on MAY 31st, 2006 – which leaves 2 weeks – NOW 1 WEEK !! – to get there and see it – the show’s last day is: FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 2006.


RAMMELLZEE, with his work, in the exhibit, ‘BANNED FROM TELEVISION 7 ‘, The Canal Chapter, NYC

Sacha Jenkins SHR

SACHA JENKINS SHR, with his work, in the exhibit, ‘BANNED FROM TELEVISION 7’, The Canal Chapter, NYC. Sacha Jenkins SHR is the Editorial Director of MASS APPEAL.


DAZE, aka CHRIS ELLIS, with his work, in the exhibit, ‘BANNED FROM TELEVISION 7’, The Canal Chapter, NYC

Ron English

RON ENGLISH, ‘Clownboy in Car’, 24 x 20″, ink & watercolor on paper, in the exhibit, ‘BANNED FROM TELEVISION 7’, The Canal Chapter, NYC


CYCLE, photographed at the exhibit, ‘BANNED FROM TELEVISION 7’, The Canal Chapter, NYC


CYCLE, ’99 Cents Per minute’, 36 x 36″, spraypaint on canvas, in the exhibit, ‘BANNED FROM TELEVISION 7’, The Canal Chapter, NYC

Ryan Michael Kelly

RYAN MICHAEL KELLY, in front of his work, in the exhibit, ‘BANNED FROM TELEVISION 7’, The Canal Chapter, NYC

Ryan Michael Kelly-photos

RYAN MICHAEL KELLY, polaroids, in the exhibit, ‘BANNED FROM TELEVISION 7’, The Canal Chapter, NYC


German artist, WON aka WONABC, in town to exhibit 2 of his large paintings, in the exhibit, ‘BANNED FROM TELEVISION 7’, The Canal Chapter, NYC

Won -painting

WON, aka WONABC, a large painting, 55 x 78′, spraypaint on canvas, in the exhibit, ‘BANNED FROM TELEVISION 7’, The Canal Chapter, NYC


WON, aka WONABC, center, with NOSM & HOW of NYC legends: TATS CRU. A large painting by WONABC, behind them, at the exhibit, ‘BANNED FROM TELEVISION 7’, The Canal Chapter, NYC

Photos: Nancy Smith, The Canal Chapter, NYC, June 3, 2006

more photos – from the show: ‘BANNED FROM TELEVISION 7’

photos of : tats cru on the street, on the Lower East Side, installing a mural, ‘You Are Here’, April 7, 2005


Jason Wall

JASON WALL, artist & co-founder/director of The Canal Chapter & 1134NYC, with one of his own paintings, photographed at the ALFREDO MARTINEZ exhibit, ‘ARSENAL FOR DEMOCRACY – WAR CORPORATISM’, which ran from January 27 – February 24, 2006 at The Canal Chapter.


MIKHAIL SOKOVIKOV, artist & co-founder/director of The Canal Chapter & 1134NYC, in front of an ALFREDO MARTINEZ gun drawing on hand made collaged paper, also from The Canal Chapter exhibit, ALFREDO MARTINEZ, ‘ARSENAL FOR DEMOCRACY – WAR CORPORATISM’.

Photos: Nancy Smith, The Canal Chapter, NYC Feb 11, 2006

The Canal Chapter is located at 343 Canal St, (between Greene & Wooster), 4th Floor.


mirf, THUNDERDOG 2006 Toy Label Preview, FUSE

~SEAN/NYC-EXPOSED/The Canal Chapter


SEAN – native born son out of TRIBECA – clocking in at 15 years old, SEAN gets the best ‘kid’ artist of the year award – for his site: NYCEXPOSED.com where he posts his photos of NYC underground tunnels & infrastructures, including subways.

Photo: SEAN in front of a painting by DAZE, in the exhibit, ‘BANNED FROM TELEVISION 7’, at the THE CANAL CHAPTER, running from May 31 – JUNE 23, 2006.
Photo: Nancy Smith, June 3, 2006

another photo – in front of: ‘Trials of Julia’ – by Chris CYCLE