NANCY SMITH: contact

~the ghost . . . in DUMBO

UP-DATE: 7:36 PM
omg, whatever is wrong with me !! – DEDICATED TO ELI BROAD !!

TRANSPARENT STUDIO at BOSE PACIA in BROOKLYN is pleased to announce that their current artist-in-residence – PRIYANKA DASGUPTA – will create a life-size, mechanical puppet inspired by her grandmother (!!), which clutches objects to maintain control (!!) over her physical environment and “manage the frustrations of fading memories.” (!!)

in other words: she speaks to . . . how hard it is for old people – to give up their belongings. (!!)

PRIYANKA DASGUPTA, born in KOLKATA, INDIA in 1979 – has an MA in Studio Art – NYU/ICP (2003) and a BA in Literature from St. Stephen’s College, DELHI (2000). Among other honors, she is a recipient of a National Endowment for the Arts award (2004). Her video installations have been presented internationally at many prestigious venues – she currently lives and works in New York.

TRANSPARENT STUDIO at BOSE PACIA, NY . . . is an artist residency program launched this past January 2012 by BOSE PACIA.

“Emerging and mid career artists are chosen for the studio program through a submission process based on project proposal and artistic merit. Residents are provided with a studio in the main gallery space for a 1-3 month period. By turning the transitional gallery space into temporary artist studios on the street-level in an active arts neighborhood, we are hoping to allow for an atmosphere of engagement and conversation around the creative process. During the residency, the public is invited to interact with the artist throughout their creative process allowing exchanges and collaborative relationships.”


the show runs JULY 10 – OCTOBER 6, 2012

with some scheduled events on the 1st THURSDAY of every month / 6-9 PM.

THURS AUG 2: a sharing of work in progress.
THURS SEPT 6: an exhibition of the work in progress and panel discussions.
THURS OCT 4: an interdisciplinary installation and literary event with Billy & CO

& ALL DAY FRIDAY-SUNDAY, SEPT 28-30, is the DUMBO ARTS FESTIVAL – events at the gallery will include a live performance and the completed shadow puppet installation – by PRIYANKA DASGUPTA.

otherwise note: gallery hours, MON – FRI are by APPOINTMENT ONLY.

PRIYANKA DASGUPTA – ‘Dreams of Inconvenience’ (detail), 2011. acrylic and wire.
image: screengrab from the gallery website.

PRIYANKA DUSGUPTA at work. you can find several more images of the artist – and her work on the gallery website: here !!
image: screen grab from gallery website