there’s ‘BRANDING’, and then there’s . . . . BRANDING !!
for the past year, as DUKE RILEY tells it:
Sully, Annie and myself have been the proprietors of a speakeasy called ROTGUT.
When we got together and decided to open a bar — a cheap place for our friends to hang out and drink on the low-down, occasionally do art, screen films and have bands play, we had no idea that this experiment would catch on and grow as it has.
We’re at 113 Franklin St, GREENPOINT, BROOKLYN – behind the wheelchair ramp.
Membership cards are $20 and come with 5 complimentary drinks (meaning, it’s dirt cheap!).
Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights after 11pm
We’re planning to extend the nights to Sundays for the month of January, for those of you who haven’t been down, and regulars who want more time.
And we’re taking suggestions for any final performances people might want to see there.
We will also have some ROTGUT memorabilia for you sentimental fools.
Anyone who has left their undergarments in the corner over the past year, this is the last month to pick ’em up.
see: facebook.com/dukeriley
continues ….