PAINTING MUST DIE . . to live ?

wow, how did we get from ‘light’ and ‘science’ . . . to SKULLS & CROSS BONES ?!!
I guess via, JAMES MOORE.
did you catch, that he serious rides . . high performance motorcycles ?!!
I wonder if his friends call him: TRON.
I know bad joke .. but still !!!!

funny, how deeply the ‘science of art ‘ . . resides on the dark side !!

LOREN MUNK, ‘Painting Must Die Painting Must Live’, 2013. oil on linen, 18 x 24 in.

LOREN MUNK is having a major show of his work at FREIGHT+VOLUME, opening tomorrow SAT FEB 15, 2014 / 6-9 PM

more on the show soon. just want to enjoy the ‘pure’ image for a while.
great ‘info graphics’, or what ?!!

Mr. MUNK, he’s also . . a GREAT, GREAT (BRUTE) COLORIST.