NANCY SMITH: contact


opens SAT, MAY 30, 2015 / 6-9 PM
the show runs thru JUNE 28, 2015
DeKalb L Train – exit on Stanhope
Knickerbocker M – is also nearby
HRS: SAT & SUN 1 – 6 PM

“NEW DRAWINGS . . . introduces a body of Calandra’s work in which she draws public and private art collections from direct observation. It is her second solo exhibition with Sardine and features a series of subtle graphite graphite drawings on panel. Where her first show, ‘Pencil in the Studio’, was a series of drawings that depicted the contemporary artist’s immediate environs, ‘New Drawings’ follows an artist’s work where it often ends up living
; in homes and museums. More than simply documenting the world of art objects, they are poignant notes of admiration and homage to the presence of art and artists in our lives today. Whether it’s the the Rothko room at the Met, or a collection of smaller, more contemporary work hung salon style in a home, they reflect the vibrancy of this experiential and intimate relationship. Lovingly rendered in Calandra’s signature style, the artist’s voice comes first and we are all the better for it.”

MARIA CALANDRA lives and works in Brooklyn. She is a graduate of Cornell University’s MFA program and has previously exhibited with Sardine, Sierra Nevada College, Kinz and Tillou Gallery, Norte Maar, Daily Operation, DNA Gallery, Shoot the Lobster and Storefront.


MARIA pens a fascinating ‘drawing’ journal/blog: pencilinthestudio

. . where she visits other artists in their studios, and while they chat she does real-time sketches of the work, and usually a portrait of the artist too.

check out her take on . . . JULES de BALINCOURT – it’s my fave !!

MARIA CALANDRA . . . drawing of Jules de Balincourt studio.

kind of a travel, souvenir, diary, sketchbook, comic book, illustration, hard core ‘locator’/raw data, insider/outsider view from . . a very curious & ‘notating’ kind of – mind !!
very entertaining, and . . very informing.
very gentle, but eerily detailed . . the draftsmanship is quite light-handed.
but veers off in the strangest of ways.
and wanders in its own way. making its own shapes from the landscape, the objects, the personality – at hand. free-form ‘examination’ come to mind.
the drawings are sourced from the real, but definite verging towards . . the fictional ?
as in the fictional . . ‘picture’ plane.
almost as if, in a storybook. but . . too hard-edged, too on-the-case !!
they definitely belong to an artist, not a story-teller.
and yet, they are observational . . as if, in a dream.
an artist’s . . dream !!
this is a curious place, where I am . . smack down in the crux & flux of another artist’s world.

a lot of people are looking forward – to seeing this show, which just happens to synch up – with BUSHWICK OPEN STUDIO WEEKEND, so for sure – drop by.