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why, what’s this . .
peeping out through my fav stack / art collection next to my computer desk ??

bless my soul, if it’s not . . a SKEWVILLE ‘POP’ / HUB CAP !!

I bought it for $50 from their FACTORY FRESH SHOW, MAY of 2010.
I had been following them for awhile, and I can remember this date,
because I actually have a faded newspaper clipping – taped to the back of it.
it was the first tabloid – breaking story / of the BERNIE MADOFF $65 Billion Ponzi scheme !!
NEW YORK POST – May 1, 2010.

lol, what’s that . . underneath it ?
that’s for . . another story.
ok – a quick look – back !!
it’s one of the original (!!) metal signs – that hung throughout ‘QUIET’ . . !!
the JOSH HARRIS / $1 million dollar Millennium party !!
that inspired the 2009 Sundance winning doc – ‘WE LIVE IN PUBLIC’.
& now being made into a movie under the guidance of BEN STILLER, lol !!
with JONAH HILL as JOSH / priceless. btw.

the sign was silk screened by R.I.P. BEAUTIFUL COWBOY . . MARK ENGER.
it was a warning . .
not to enter . .
if you didn’t consent to have your likeness – used . . “in any manner they see fit” . . !!!!!

talk about . . s-c-a-r-y clowns !!

I guess I was trying to catalog my collection / via material, as in . . ‘metal sign’.
I guess I stopped there.

coz, I def have a few more !!
and in this case, the more – the MERRIER !!!!!

meaning that . . metal signs are so much easier on the collector vs. works on paper.
re: no need for frames / easy storage etc etc. / no sunlight issues. no ‘sensitive’ handling issues.
and plus, they are usually a reasonable size to handle, too.
& pretty damn . . indestructible.
this one is also signed. by Josh on the back / even though initially it was a ‘find’.
I had grabbed it from certain oblivion, discarded or forgotten, just before the whole party went up in flames (metaphorically).
that’s the funny things about signs, or hub caps. or signage in general / so easy to overlook.

and there’s that’s other funny thing about signs, esp metal ones / being so indestructible – & in that sense,
more of a (thin) sculpture than a drawing. still though, great design / graphics & thought went into the making.
and so, to my experience . . $$$$ value-laden. just on durability. on ‘existence’. on design. on intent.
but also, usually they are like quick multiples, promotions, or outright give-aways / the great signage, after the fact, that everyone else forgets.