NANCY SMITH: contact


MARSHAL, a long time friend of Simon’s, from their 1970s university art school days, in Montreal,
with Guido Molinari as their teacher – was also in the show:
but, there is no record / no images of his work – on the Mercer Union archive.
the silence is . . sad.
looking back, and forward, I guess you could say, Marshal was also . . a victim of ‘Culture Against . . . US’ (!!)
there’s visionaries, and originals, and then . . there are fakes.
well, at least the show went up.
and let’s leave it at . . that.

IMAGE: MARSHAL HOPKINS artwork via Instagram story @marshal8463

I don’t have any images of the exact paintings Marshal, might have had in the 1984 Mercer Union show,
but, this is a painting he posted today, on his Instagram story – and that’s pretty telling, as to his oeuvre.
if you know anything about 1970s ‘aspirational’ painting, you will know this was completely off the wall, for the time.
besides the small scale, (most his paintings were done on artist board, like 14 x 24 in.), they were very emotional, primitive, and folk art leaning / though of course, Guido (Molinari) saw them for what they really were, way, ahead-of-the-game color theory / 2nd gen compositions.
and duh, they resonate today, with complete magnetism.