NANCY SMITH: contact


on the other hand,
if you are looking to figure out the best ticket, among the absolute ‘horde’ of
’emerging’ artists . . clamboring on top of each other, to get your attention this weekend,
ANTONE KONST . . . would be a best bet.

ANTONE KONST, in . . . ‘Hi Friends’
a 3 person group show / opened MARCH 27
& runs thru . . . APRIL 24, 2019
DTN / DISTURB THE NEIGHBORS 339 E. 90th St, Suite D, Uptown, NYC 10128

note: with extended hours this weekend

ANTONE KONST, ‘Juggler’, 2019.
epoxy clay, glitter, acrylic, oil, canvas.
78 x 48 in.
image via Instagram @annntone

ANTONE KONST, ‘Juggler’, with a peek . . at a STEPHEN BENENSON canvas, at right.
image via Instagram story @annntone @jpirello

ps: the top/first image . . has the truer hue of blue,
but, the this image – is great for scale & general context of the show.
check the show out, for sure.
this small apt art gallery, albeit with big ambitions (!!), and a most dedicated following, will provide a much welcome respite – from the vast & chaotic art fairs.