NANCY SMITH: contact


talking about line drawings, esp ones that tell stories, how about this hand drawn animation from DAN FLANAGAN.
crossing the line between cartoon and art – for me the shuffle – comes to rest on the art frontier.
not a bad way – to go forward into the new year !!

NOT YOU !! . . . . . . . . . MUSIC !!

see: DAN FLANAGAN – ‘SCREEN TESTS’ – with music by MERRILL GARBUS, who goes by the band moniker: TUNE YARDS !!

DAN FLANAGAN is a recent grad of the KANSAS CITY ART INSTITUTE. a true blue Mid-west boy who grew up in Madison, Wisconsin he spent 2 years in Indonesia before settling into our rough & tumble Big Apple, and now calls Bushwick home. He works his animation magic on a huge dry erase board in some big ole studio space. hello Brooklyn !!

we meet Dan at the super nifty – yes, clueless, you like awesome, better ? F+V ANDREW GUENTHER ‘Talking to a Fish’ opening – way back – this past Sept 2011.
scroll down, here: just 4 pix and you’ll see Dan – with his 2 equally talented buddies from the Kansas City Art Institute – TRAVIS PRATT and CHRIS BIDDY !!

and while you are there – you can check out one of the most refreshing shows of the past year, too. Andrew Guenther’s ‘Talking to a Fish’ and painting like a minimalist new age heavy metal – seer !!

Andrew Guenther – also he of the “MINE GOLD” inked fingers at the recent, in fact still up !! – ERIK DEN BREEJEN Beach Boy ode to color field letter word mash-up painting show, titled: ‘SMILE’. . . illustrating the entire lyrics to the recently released Beach Boys’ magnum opus, ‘SMILE’.

and, ok. since you ask – I’ll show you some of Dan’s pals work, soon, too. Travis Pratt takes photos of relentlessly deconstructed landscapes, and Chris Biddy is a hyper hyper-realist who paints small knock-out watercolor, and some oil on canvas, true-to-life and back again, hyper-colorized portraits – from cellphone photos of previously unknown girls who friend him on Facebook . . ring a bell ?
I covered his show at ATM a year or so back.

see: CHRIS BIDDY, ‘New Message’ at ATM, opening Feb 11, 2010.

my, how time do fly bye !!