NANCY SMITH: contact

~T-R-O-N !!

. . . f*ck me.
TRON !! – who cares about stories when you are racing through an alternative universe – on a day-glo grid – at the most unimaginable high speed.
if you want a story – read a friggin book. state of the art screen time. you most def walk out a little more perceptually stunned, then when you went in – that’s for sure.

yeah. TRON in 3D – it’s so, so, not about the story, duh. its about speed on the grid. free falls thru vast twisting space. the vortex that is web.
conceptual. not so much. mathematical no. spatial. yes.
even the official website – falls flat – too much emphasis on the narrative – when – really the film is a great . . . big, huge. visual blow-out. the trailer is dumb, don’t let it turn you off. they shoulda just let it run free – like it does in the movie.

it’s #1 – for a reason. and it’s not the story. it’s like people who can’t see the art, unless – there is a story. a background. forget story, think alt. alternative . . . reality. visual mind trip. the story is just the pretext. you don’t need it – and thank god, unlike Avatar – they really don’t serve it up . . .
its all about the production – and they aced it. twisted and tweaked that flat screen, deep. big time.

and, talking about – twist.
as in, talking bout users.
there’s users, you know people who use ya – and then spit on ya – and then there’s users, like in web users. funny / a funny divergence of meaning – for one little word.
I got a fortune cookie with my take-out General Tsao’s Chicken – just the other day.
it said: “throw mud – lose ground”. ha.
so, here’s a question for ya: can you lose ground – on an open-ended infinitely spatial grid. aka the web ?
I guess so. maybe. I mean you can fall thru a shattering spatial crystal. and die. actually – really shatter. turns out, things are really brittle on the grid.
but, can you lose ground – calling a spade a spade in this crummy little island and its narrowing little art world. TRON gonna wipe you out. you are so boring.
unless your art is really . . touching the earth – down-right-to-honest – good. like what makes ordinary day-to-day human birth – equivalent to – paranormal experience !!
in the end, our primitive little celestial globe – aka earth – seems so sweet, just like Justin Samson’s baby photo and all that rad Philly art – (below/previous post) – esp. after the endless day-glo night of the alternative logic board.
talk about hard edged w-i-r-e-d. no let-up. no sunset.

and yeah. speaking of which, yes. I caught the rare lunar eclipse on the winter solstice – last nite. like an eerie sleep walker – totally unaware, a light of moonbeam so strong it woke me – from 2 rooms away – beckoned to me like a strange magic witch on a lonely moor – and called to me – follow the path to the kitchen. where I looked up – what up, with this dumb sleep walking and eerie bright night sky – and then I saw the moon grow dark and be eclipsed. and the room turned dull red.
lucky I didn’t get beamed up, right then and there. kidnapped by aliens – good grief – Disney what are you thinking ? alien races needing our earth moms . . . to raise their kiddies ?
no joke. it’s the animated trailer before Tron comes on. good grief. if that isn’t enough to stop you in your tracks, what is ? maybe Holland Carter in the New York Times, this past Saturday Dec 18, admonishing Huma Bhabha, – sounds Star Wars does it not – not to lose her soul – in the race to fill up on – her new over-size ambitions ? as if we didn’t see that coming.
“Much of the work in both shows is dated 2010, which could point to the problem: overproduction in a short time. It wouldn’t hurt if, at this juncture, Ms. Bhabha slowed down a little and – for sure – forgot about trying to fill Blum’s ridiculously large Chelsea space. She’s coming into mid-career, a period when a style can, without vigilance, turn into a set of moves.”
oops, I feel the ground moving. caught between the web and a hard place.

UP-DATE: FRI DEC 24, 2010 12:34 AM

. . . . ok. ok. if you are a cool dude under 21 – and live in a 24/7 wired man cave – you might find the TRON #2 narrative “corny”, and the fight scenes . . . just so-so !!
esp the bit with the slick chicks and the evil DJ Brit dude – duh is nowhere near BATMAN the movie – resonance.
but then again – KICK-ASS (ha) might just be your favorite (groan) release of the year.
if you are a serious film buff – esp sci fi – you might also find the narrative lacking.
but, if you look at art, esp gallery art 24/7 – and, you are a big big comics fan – illustration zombie and computer animation geek – hands down, you’ll agree – the spatial ride – the computer animation, I guess – is the word ? – is superb, far-out, flung-out, beyond comprehension and absolutely flawless. it’s not just special effects – it is space travel at amazing speed. thrilling. and multi-dimensional beyond current vocabulary definition. and it is 99% of the movie anyways, so. from my art world perch, or is that porch ? I still say – hell yeah – TRON 2 – FLIES !!