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~Magik Markers

Magik Markers - CD cover

Magik Markers CD - photo

Magik Markers # 1

Magik Markers # 2

Magik Markers - CD

Though I’ve been a luke-warm fan of SONIC YOUTH over the last couple of decades, I have to hand it to Lee Renaldo for producing one of the best CDs of 2007 – the new MAGIK MARKERS CD titled: BOSS.

Here he has taken a group known for their energetic, frenetic and unpredictable noise adventure live shows, and produced a record that for its depth of feeling and quest for new sounds, is hard to beat.

This record combines the intense hard driving sound of THE BIRTHDAY PARTY’S amazing second album, JUNKYARD – with the haunting delivery of MAZZY STAR. The slower songs, like ‘Bad Dream/Hartford’s Beat Suite’, are what I call Bob Dylan in reverse, in that Dylan went from an acoustic sound to an electric sound, while the MAGIK MARKERS went from an extreme electric sound to a melodic sound !

Loyal fans of the MAGIK MARKERS’ earlier CDs should not be disappointed, since a lot of those great extreme sounds, remain. Bob Dylan changed his sound and tone because of the influence of the Beatles’ great TWIST AND SHOUT, it was a natural evolution and the results were amazing. This MARKERS CD shows Lee Renaldo’s influence, and the result is likewise a natural evolution, and awesome. The lyrics are great, so play this music loud and often – and check out their live videos, including the early ones, on YouTube.

Photographs by: E. Jason Wambsgans
Artwork by: Jill Storthz and Elisa Ambrogio

MAGIK MARKERS, BOSS copyright 2007 Ecstatic Peace!

SAMPLE: Bad Dreams/Hartford’s Beat Suite’ – here !!
(scroll down mid-way – left side/for link)

CHECK OUT CLIPS ON: YouTube, here !!

MAGIK MARKERS on: myspace