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wavves # 1

wavves # 2

waves # 3

above: WAVVES – WAVVES – the 1st CD
below: WAVVES – WAVVVES – the 2nd CD

wavves # 4

wavves # 5

wavves # 6

wavves # 7

Hey, guess what, the sonic BOOMMM is finally here – WAVVES have landed.

The first 2 CDs by this awesome duo out of San Diego are here to blow you and your mind away. The Neo-Surf music/songs that guitarist/singer NATHAN WILLIAMS and amazing drummer RYAN ULSH thrash out are a ray of sunshine in this desolate ‘PUNK’ and ‘ROLL’ landscape.

The lyrics are totally authentic. Whatever these two (of-the-moment) artist/musicians live and feel, they express clearly and with great force. This music is great “noise” coupled with such catchy melodies and straight-ahead rock that you want to Bang your head all day and night with their music.

I suggest you start at a lower volume to acclimate your ears to the intensity of the music. But to really GET IT !! PLAY IT LOUD. I would also recommend that you listen to both CDs from start to finish, because the noise parts in between the great songs are beautiful. This is music for nobodies going nowhere but Up. My fave songs are ‘California Goth’, ‘Wavves’, ‘Side Yr On’, ‘Beach Goth’, and ‘Teenage Super Party’ on the first CD – titled: WAVVES. While on the second CD – titled: WAVVVES, I like ‘To The Dregs’, ‘Gun in the Sun’, ‘So Bored’, ‘No Hope Kids’, and that monster second version of ‘Beach Goth’.

watch: WAVVES – Part 1 – by Yours Truly !!

watch: WAVVES – Part 2 – by Yours Truly !!

watch: WAVVES – Part 3 – by Yours Truly !!

watch: So Bored [Echo Curio 11-15-08] AVI !!

WAVVES, WAVVES woodisit022 C & P 2008,

WAVVES, WAVVVES, C & P 2009, Fat Possum Records LLC,
(this CD comes with an insert 2 sided full color poster, detailed above – 6th image down)

definite, check out: woodsist !!

woodsist logo