NANCY SMITH: contact


During the last decade the music scene in Brooklyn has been cooking and sometimes exploding. From Williamsburg to Bushwick independent, low-fi, or DIY music is being made and experienced daily. It was not a surprise that Jeff Magnon, from that great 90s group Neutral Milk Hotel gave a great show in a loft in Bushwick recently.

One of the more interesting bands to come out of this frenetic scene is Sisters. Their debut CD Ghost Fits is a good example of the ‘Do It Yourself’ ethos that runs through a lot of the more interesting contemporary music.

Ghost Fits – captures the energy, creative excitement, and fun – of the dynamic Brooklyn scene.

Sisters, Ghost Fits – copyright NARNACK RECORDS 2010.

regarding the artwork, MATT CONBOY writes that he did the drawing on the CD disc and, “the cover image was from a needlepoint thing we saw at a friend’s house in Atlanta.”

check out:

this is the best place to catch their music: SONGS on !!

check out: Sisters/Myspace

SISTERS played live at the closing party for the JASON GRUNWALD art exhibit, at EASTERN DISTRICT in BUSHWICK, APRIL 29, 2010.

SISTERS is a two-man band. guitarist and singer AARON PFANNEBECKER, and . . .

drummer and keyboards, MATT CONBOY.

check out the original post: Nue History/OCT 9, 2010