NANCY SMITH: contact


MERRY XMAS TO y’ALL. but esp all ya . . HAVE NOTS !!
and you damn well KNOW !! . . who you are !!

damn, I sure as hell know . . I’m one.
I post a piece on DUKE RILEY’S . . ‘TO HAVE NOT’. and, I get wiped out ?!!
what can I say . . NOT BAD.
in the poetry department (?)

so, MERRY XMAS and here’s a little festive reading, for all your unbound brains starving for some real intel, hot off the mainstream presses of the world:
KANYE WEST is getting sued big time for ripping off . . BOUND 2.
ha ha !!
bow down before the copyright gods of the 21st century . . !!
all ye fakes, frauds, posers, and no-brains.

I mean, we get that you won’t pay for original content.
but, that doesn’t mean you can just steal .. it.

it’s great holiday reading: “KANYE WEST sued by former child soul singer, RICKY SPICER . .” / MAIL ONLINE

it’s an amazing production, RICKY SPICER was all of 12 at the time. it was way back, deep back . . in the 70’s.
the summer of love and all . . AL GREEN, anybody ?
and it’s a . . beaut.
simulated waterfalls, and all.
plus dig that concept, 2 sets of twins !! and a lead singer. damn.


oh yeah. bound . . to fall in love.

if writing “to have Not’ gets me wiped out, hey .. you never know !!