NANCY SMITH: contact

~James Truman

James truman & Georg Baselitz

on the right: JAMES TRUMAN, when he was Editorial Director of Conde Nast,
with GEORG BASELITZ, left, at the Georg Baselitz opening, ‘Recent Sculptures’,
at Gagosian Gallery, Chelsea. Sept 14, 2004
Photo by: Nancy Smith

JAMES TRUMAN, who quit his multi-million dollar post at Conde Nast,
last SPRING 2005, after SI NEWHOUSE killed his personal pet project, an
art magazine, of all things, (which had all us freelancers with any talent, all
excited & then devestated when it got dropped), “just got hired by …
LOUISE MacBAIN to oversee her LTB Holding Company’s stable of 100+
periodicals worldwide, including Art+Auction, Museums, etc as well as”
He said, at the time that he quit, when he supposedly left to ride off into
the blue horizon, or was it Spain, forever, that maybe it was just as well,
because he couldn’t see doing & getting away with, hi-end product placement
with cutting edge artists.

but maybe the man who dreamed up DOMINO & LUCKY can successfully
pose up and coming young artists with million dollar watches,
and get away with it. CORY ARCANGEL could wear a million dollar watch,
even MICHAEL MAHALCHICK could get away with that,
though actually what I’d really like to see is one on
IAN VANEK of JAPANTHER !!! Watches aren’t so bad – its the thought
of a LOUIS VUITTON bag on JESSICA CIOCCI of Paper Rad,
ala JENNIFER LOPEZ – that really scares me !!!
but …. YO!! artlovers will take some LOUIS VUITTON product placement.

to see photos of: IAN VANEK & JAPANTHER at ICU Bar – OCT 2005 – Ian Vanek