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~Jim O’Rourke

Jim O'Rourke

JIM O’ROURKE back in the news, receiving acclaim for his role in the new BETH ORTON CD – ‘COMFORT OF STRANGERS’ – which he not only produced – but on which he also plays bass & keyboards.

Ben Ratliff of the New York Times calls it her best album ever – with a “live-in-the-studio sound” ….”achieved with mostly only three people: Ms. Orton; Jim O’Rourke, the record’s producer, on bass and keyboards; and Tim Barnes on drums. Unlike her previous records, there are no echoey, whooshing noises, no twinkling samples. Instead there is just natural fidelity, the sound of the room, a handclap, an organ chord in the corner of a song… has found perfection in its reduced gestures. It’s a beautiful record, and basically antichic.” – Ben Ratliff, The New York Times, The Sunday Arts & Leisure Section, January 15, 2006

above photo – JIM O’ROURKE at the opening of the TAYLOR McKIMENS curated ‘STRANGER TOWN’ exhibit, last Jan 27th, 2005 at DINTER FINE ART.
photo: Nancy Smith