NANCY SMITH: contact

~Urs Fischer/Fig, Nut & Pear

urs fisher

The URS FISCHER, wondrous ‘BREAD HOUSE’ installation, part of his FEB 2005 exhibit, ‘Fig, Nut & Pear’ at Gavin Brown’s enterprise,
was featured on the artlovers home page:
July 7, 2005.

The BREAD HOUSE, which also was to become a BIRD HOUSE, was life-size and occupied
the first room. It underwent many transformations, man-made, and organic,
during the life-span of the exhibit.
In other gallery rooms, there were large paintings, and a life-size robot-type,
mechanized female, blonde haired, half-figure.

more photos: ‘Fig, Nut and Pear’

URS FISCHER is photographed above, in front of a painting from this show, ‘A Novel & Its Novelist’, ‘Fig Nut & Pear’, Gavin Brown’s enterprise, NYC, date: Feb 19, 2005
The exhibit ran from FEB 4 – MARCH 5, 2005.
(Photo: Nancy Smith)

the card for the show was really nice, too:

urs fisher card fig, nut pear