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~Oksana Lada/S*F*D* FIX BOX

Oksana Lada

OKSANA LADA, the actress who plays TONY SOPRANO’S Russian mistress, Irina, on HBO’S ‘THE SOPRANOS’ at the S*F*D* ‘FIX BOX’ opening , with her little dog, Kasha, RARE Gallery, NYC, May 21, 2005.
(KAMAU PATTON artwork in the background.)

S*F*D* FIX BOX was one of the best & edgiest shows of all 2005.
The show opened on May 21, 2005 & ran until June 18, 2005.

colorful enough to inspire this item on the 5/24/05 artlovers home page:

… with ‘FIX BOX’ – S*F*D* – aka – SAN FRANCISCO DAMAGE – a loose coallition of San Francisco based artists – aims to stake its claim on New York City. 5 artists, as edgey as they get: SARA THUSTRA, XYLOR JANE, KAMU PATTAN, AMY RATHBONE & ALICIA McCARTHY show both individual & collaborative on-site pieces, the artlovers fav being the S*F*D* collaborative ‘ wheelchair’ – “PLEEZ SIT” – its effect upon guest sitters was amazing. EVEN K8 HARDY got caught in the chair, looking like a complete anti-hero. (see photo link below)

S*F*D*’s hi energy apparently exploded beyond the gallery walls. To the delight of many Chelsea regulars, a PATRICK MIMRAN BILLBOARD was graffiti attacked in recent days & his message was subverted to read – “IGNORE IT IF YOU CAN – THE WAR IS ALL AROUND YOU”.

Apparently always ready to rumble for a good cause, S*F*D* lived up to their name, at the show’s afterparty. When the RARE people refused to foot the bill for the artists’ dinner, S*F*D* told the RARE crew to pay up or …. “settle” the dispute “on the street outside” !!

kiddy in the wheel chair

KIDDY, part of the visiting S*F*D* entourage from San Francisco, takes a spin in the “PLEEZ SIT” wheel chair, S*F*D* ‘FIX BOX’, RARE GALLERY, NYC, May 21, 2005
(SARA THUSTRA artwork in the background)

more S*F*D* ‘FIX BOX’ photos

Photos: Nancy Smith