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Matthew Day Jackson

the card for MATTHEW DAY JACKSON – ‘FORTUNATE SON’ – his first major one man show which ran from Nov 5 – Dec 22, 2005, at PERRY RUBENSTEIN GALLERY. As American as they get, the imagery included Native American iconography and made use of such materials as: inlaid needlepoint, scorched wood, woodburned drawing, mother of pearl, abalone, yarn, tooled leather, skull beads, and even, sculpey!

The show’s card, with its dramatic photograph of the artist beside a huge bonfire, is one of the best uses of the newest rage in NYC show card/invites, which is to use hard, very heavy, in fact, impossible-to-fold ultra heavy card stock, and often the larger the better. At a relatively large, but still reasonable 8 x 10″, and with its beautiful imagery, it is just the right size to still make it into a commercial plastic protector sleeve, and is one of the few (high production) cards which really does rate being kept as a collector’s item, in itself.