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~ASHLEY REID/Ridykeulous

Ashley reid- Ridykeulous

Photo: ASHLEY REID, ‘Stuffed’, 2004, large format camera, photograph mounted on aluminium.

from the show: ‘Ridykeulous’, curated by A.L. Steiner and Nicole Eisenman, PARTICIPANT, March 10 – April 2, 2006
(image scanned from the catalog)

ASHLEY REID, recently graduated from SVA with a B.F.A., major in photography, and until recently, has been the gallery manager at DANIEL REICH GALLERY. She’s now set her sights on pursuing a full time career. She just had her first one man show, ‘ASHLEY REID – DEVESTATINGLY GOOD TIMES’ , an exhibit of her large scale, staged, & very fictional, narrative self-portraits, at NOWHERE GALLERY, in Milan, ITALY.

photos from the PARTICIPANT, ‘Ridykeulous’ opening

first photos of ASHLEY