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K8 # 1

Photo: K8 HARDY, ‘Fashionfashion Kitchen Look’, 2006, large scale, c-print, self-portrait.

scanned from the catalog, ‘Ridykeulous’, ‘Annual Kids Issue!’, ‘Memo from GOD! Evolution is Finally Over!’ – “THIS PUBLICATION CREATED ENTIRELY BY THE POWER OF INTELLIGENT DESIGN AND LEO KOENIG GALLERY”.

Ridykeulous catalog

‘Ridykeulous’ catalog cover, artwork: ‘Choo-Choo’ by SUZANNE WRIGHT

‘Ridykeulous’ curated by A.L. Steiner and Nicole Eisenman, at PARTICIPANT, ran from MARCH 10 – APRIL 2, 2006.

artlovers wrote this about the show on the MARCH – APRIL 2006 home page:

… ‘there’s a huge in-your-face, full frontal, show up at PARTICIPANT. ‘Ridykeulous’ is fresh, dynamic and full of hard charging art energy. The show transcends sexual politics with a visual and often witty, celebration of radical gender attitudes that cascades towards the funny, the happy, and the flat-out defiant. Curated with huge energy, by A.L. Steiner and Nicole Eisenman, the show is full of many different kinds of work, in too many media to list, but 2 more photographs, apart from k8 Hardy’s striking self- portrait above, which defines the mood of the show in split second, A.L. STEINER has a photo of Ponyboy, that makes one stop in their tracks, and ASHLEY REID has a pretty amazing staged self-portrait of herself in an Afro, naked on a rug ! with a Dolly Parton look alike – included for good measure. The show runs wild at PARTICIPANT, MARCH 10 – APRIL 2, 2006′.


photos from the opening