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David Stoupakis & Aprella

DAVID STOUPAKIS and his muse, APRELLA. photographed at the opening of the McCaig-Welles Gallery, Brooklyn, temporary exhibition space in Manhattan, for the ARMORY ART FAIR weekend – ‘FOUNTAIN’, March 9, 2006
Photo: Nancy Smith

david Stoupakis card-front

david stoupakis card-back

both sides of the DAVID STOUPAKIS.COM business card – if you want to check out a ‘heavy-metal’ art site – this has to be it ! it’s actually quite well done – but … what goes on in this boy’s head !

more photos of David and Aprella, and his work at the McCaig -Welles ‘FOUNTAIN’ opening


painting by DAVID STOUPAKIS – scanned from the McCaig-Welles press release – March 9, 2006