NANCY SMITH: contact

~BRIAN BELOTT aka “Rudy”

Brian's tree

Brian # 5

Brian # 1

Brian # 3

Brian # 4

Brian as doctor

top photo:
BRIAN BELOTT’S Christmas Tree of Hand Painted Books,
in the PROJECT SPACE at: FREIGHT+VOLUME, running from:
DECEMBER 1, 2006 – JANUARY 6, 2007 – if you hurry, you can still catch it!
(Photo: Nancy Smith, Dec 1, 2006)
more photos from the opening

next 4 photos:
some photos … from the “vault of the young”
All Photos by: ROBERT BELOTT (Brian’s father)

last photo:
‘Brian Plays Doctor’, performance collaboration between Brian Belott
and Larissa Velez – Photo by: ZOLTAN BREZINA