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Urs Fischer re-load

URS FISCHER, in front of ‘A Novel & its Novelist’ – a large painting in his
Winter 2005 exhibit, ‘Fig, Nut & Pear’ , at Gavin Brown’s enterprise, NYC,
Feb 19, 2005
(Photo: Nancy Smith)

to see: an URS FISCHER previous posting – on THE BOMB:
scroll down to the beginning of the 2006 entries ~URS FISCHER/Fig, Nut & Pear

urs fischer with robot

URS FISCHER with ‘Airports are like Nightclubs’, a mechanical robot, in
‘Fig, Nut & Pear’, Gavin Brown’s enterprise, NYC, Feb 19, 2005
(Photo: Nancy Smith)


SIMON CERIGO reports that the artworld is still buzzing about the MIAMI BASEL
ART FAIR. The 2 most talked about highlights are: first, the DEVENDRA BANHART
performance at an exclusive guest-list-only party thrown by JEFFREY DEITCH.
The overflow crowd that couldn’t crash, apparently hung around and was able to listen
to the concert from the street.

The other big hit was the URS FISCHER piece at Gavin Brown’s enterprise.
A crushed cigarette box attached to a mechanized pole flew around the otherwise empty
booth at just above eye level or along the floor. It made almost every article on the
the fair, including a big article by PETER SCHJELDAHL, in the NEW YORKER and was highlighted
as WALTER ROBINSON’S lead-in image to his Miami Basel report, on artnet.
It sold for $160,000, … and Gavin kept his overhead & shipping costs to what must
be the lowest exhibition expenditure on record!