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Cat Mazza

cat mazza # 1

… in the news, CAT MAZZA … is highlighted in a recent article by MARTHA SCHWENDENER,
(The New York Times, THE ARTS section, PAGE B9, SATURDAY, January 27, 2007)
as one of the more dynamic artists included in the new ‘Radical Lace & Subversive Knitting’ exhibit
at the Museum of Arts & Design. to quote:
” … The works most in keeping with the show’s politically charged title are more interactive
and collective, or more related to performance. For example Cat Mazza’s collectively
crocheted “Nike Blanket Petition”, a campaign against sweatshop practices represented
here in a series of photographs, will be sent to Nike’s corporate headquarters.”

Museum of Arts & Design is the new name for what was formerly called the
American Craft Museum. The show was organized by David Revere McFadden, the
museum’s chief curator. The New York Times article wasn’t exactly enamored of the
scope of the show vis a vis the potential or promise of its title … “So many more artists
might have been included whose work explores the social aspects of knitting and lace
or who more radically recast these forms: Simon Perotin, of the punk-doily creations;
the artisans in the Church of Craft; Ms. Zittel; Ms. Auerbach; Mr. Drain; and so on.”

above, CAT MAZZA, with a sample of her work, (of corporate logos),
(handmade on a KNITPRO machine), in the ‘ART&*@WORK’ group exhibit of SPRING 2005.
‘ART*/^@WORK’ (aka ‘ART over WORK’) was curated by TALI HINKIS of LoVid and co-produced with ELANA LANGER.
Photos: Nancy Smith, NYC, May 31, 2005

more photos of Cat Mazza’s work (and the other artists!) in the ‘ART^#!WORK’ show

TOM MOODY was also featured in the show.


‘Radical Lace & Subversive Knitting’ runs from Jan 25 – June 17, 2007
Museum of Arts & Design