NANCY SMITH: contact

~BOBO/Miami Ice Machine


BOBO – from left: singer, DREW GILLESPIE, NICK PAYNE on keyboard, and PHIL COTE – guitar. JULEP BAR, Lower East Side, March 24, 2007

… BOBO !!!!!
… when you hear that name: BOBO .. you go go & get yourself there !! wherever it is – it’ll be worth it.
This band gets it huge driving force from guitar player PHIL COTE, but they all rock. The band played recently at the JULEP BAR, a small crowded bar on AVE A in the East Village, for the opening party of the 14th ANNUAL NEW YORK UNDERGROUND FILM FESTIVAL.

They came with a small devoted fan entourage, numbering not more than 12, maybe 24 at most, (….”our biggest audience, ever..”), but soon had the whole place jumping up and down so hard – the ancient wooden floor started to shake so seriously – the place seemed in imminent danger of caving in – right then and there..

they were followed by the MIAMI ICE MACHINE, whose driving force seems to be derived from their lead singer and frontman, GRAHAM WATLING..


GRAHAM WATLING, above, lead singer & frontman for MIAMI ICE MACHINE, at the JULEP BAR, East Village, March 24, 2007

Photos: Nancy Smith

more photos of these bands at the NEW YORK UNDERGROUND FILM FESTIVAL PARTY – to post shortly