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~MR. COLLECTOR/bad news


ROBERT CHERUBIM, aka MR. COLLECTOR to insiders, has meet with an unfortunate accident. He was run down by a car right outside his home in Jersey.
if you’ve ever encountered New Jersey drivers this won’t surprise you, but how sad for this really nice guy, who happens to have a small but amazing art collection, pretty much under his bed. The accident happened last Thursday or Friday.

from the first reports in, he was seriously hurt, needing surgery on both his ankles, and he is still in the hospital. apparently he will be on crutches for quite awhile, when he does get out. we’ll miss seeing him around & wish him well, and hope he can keep his spirits up during the long haul. everyone in his family is in shock.

here he is at the KOSTABI – ‘Name That Painting’ show – where he is a regular and where he got the MR. COLLECTOR moniker. he is often the only one to come up with the correct answers to the most obscure art history ‘bonus’ questions. He sits in the voting Jury section. when the paddle shows green, its a yes, … to a proposed title, the other side is red and means no.

ROBERT CHERUBIM on the MARK KOSTABI ‘Name That Painting’ game show set.
Kostabi World, Soho, NYC, Nov 3, 2006
Photo: Nancy Smith

UP-DATE: FRI. April 13, 2007:

SAY WHAT ? .. bout Jersey drivers ! last night, just about the time this was being posted,
New Jersey’s Governor, Jon S. Corzine, who travels in a motorcade (!!) was involved in a car accident on the Garden State Parkway that caused him serious injury.
A leg broken in 2 places, splintered bone going right through the skin, broken sternum and collarbone, a slight fracture of the lower vertebrae and 6 broken ribs on each side. He’s hospitalized ..”a breathing tube was inserted into his mouth, but he did not suffer brain or spinal-cord damage” !? (NY POST ). Like our friend Robert, …. “it will be several months before he can walk normally again.” (NY TIMES).

DON IMUS and AL SHARPTON step aside, the real New York City definition of “HO” is – NEW JERSEY driver. as in, . . . ” YO! .. HO! slow down.”

as in . . . looks like Baghdad is going down, get those American boys – home! ho!
and use the mechanical devices, yo.

UP-DATE: APRIL 14, 2007:
apparently Gov. Corzine’s injuries are more serious than were previously disclosed, and might in fact be life-threatening. He wasn’t wearing a seat belt (NJ – is the “CLICK OR TICKET” state). He was sitting in the front seat and was thrown to the back of the vehicle by the force of the impact. His driver and an aide who were wearing seat belts, basically walked away from the crash, though extremely shaken. Everybody is sad and wishes him well.

UP-DATE: APRIL 19, 2007: according to news reports, guess who the speeding NJ> demon was – the governor himself. His car, driven by an official state trooper driver, was going 91 mph. and apparently the 2 pick-ups ahead of him swerved to get out of the way, causing the chain reaction crash. Luckily the Governor seems to have stabilized, though it will be many many months of recuperation. and in case you are a total hermit and don’t read the news, he was rushing to get to a meeting between DON IMUS and the NJ basketball girl team he had called ‘nappy haired hos. and ‘bye the way, what’s wrong with nappy hair ! and everyone knows ho just means stupid – as in bad sometimes can mean really great. oh well, enough with the commentary on an art site.

MR. COLLECTOR get well, soon.