NANCY SMITH: contact

~Look Behind You/Giant Robot


the card for: ‘Look Behind You’ – ‘Small Paintings by Over Four Dozen Artists’
a serious contendender for favorite show card graphic design of the year !!
(. . . as in show/exhibit card/invite …)

(also unattributed – graphic artists unite !! – get your illustration credits in print, even if its .. only 1/8 in. font size and on the back !!!)

UP-DATE: ANDREW JEFFREY WRIGHT did the card illustration !!! no surprise there – this kid’s talent is well known in many circles.

The show is still up, if you run and jump – you can catch it – the last day is this WED, APRIL 18

don’t expect too much, its just a small show, even though it has over 48 artists, and, in the front of what is essentially a T SHIRT & STREET GEAR/LIMITED EDITION TOY SHOP, but its still very interesting, and there certainly are a few very ‘swift’ & FRESH pieces, especially by some really new & some totally unknown artists – beyond the usual same old mainstream. (Sto and Kelie Bowman have some nice pieces ! in the show, as does Taylor McKimens.) also, don’t expect a bargain, just cause its in a street shop, Taylor’s small round shaped paintings are priced at $800 ea. !!!!

more photos of some of the artwork to post shortly

Giant Robot: 437 E. 9th Street, (bet. 1st Ave and Ave A) in the Esat Village

Giant Robot –

more photo s formthe installation to post shortly