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CHARWEI TSAI is presenting a new project, ‘MUSHROOM MANTRA’ at the CENTRE POMPIDOU, PARIS, FRANCE !!
it opens today, WED MAY 7, 2008 and runs until AUGUST 11, 2008

so, if you’re in Paris, (or, will be this summer) – you’re lucky, you can check it out !

Charwei Pompidou # 1

. . . the show seems to be called: ‘TRACES DU SACRE’ – and Charwei seems to have a project called ‘Mushroom Mantra’ in it ? the poster is beautiful, isn’t it.

So, actually this is a pretty big group show, multi-media in scope, with more than 350 works by over 200 internationally known artists. It aims to be a major survey of the dialog between art and spirituality in the 20th C., starting with work from the 19th C and going right up on to – today – that would be Charwei, among others. !!!
(” ..’Traces du Sacre’ est concu comme une encyclopedia des rapports entre l’art et la spiritualite au XXe Siecle.”)
It also appears to be initiating a major new ‘audience interactive’ system at the Centre Pompidou, with gallery goers encouraged to enter their comments and engage in digital ‘discussion boards’.


Charwei Pompidou # 2

CHARWEI TSAI, at the ‘LOVELY DAZE’ Issue #1 magazine launch, PRINTED MATTER, OCT 22, 2005

. . . we first met CHARWEI TSAI at PRINTED MATTER, on the occasion of the very first magazine launch for her self-published ‘LOVELY DAZE’ – a limited edition quarterly publication, which highlighted “artist writings and artwork”. Looking back it was quite a sweet and low-fi publication – it had the aspect & style of an actual kind of ‘sketchbook’ with different artist pages. mostly young and, usually well-beyond, the mainstream radar – it felt much more like an artwork – itself – than a publication.
you can see archival artlovers coverage: here !!!/OCT 2005

. . . that’s kind of an interesting report – OCT 2005 – it starts with pix of the – now super hot !! – trio: SCOTT, ELYSIA & TYSON REEDER – at their ‘EARLY SHOW’ !! – a show of artists and their early artwork, (incl. RIRKRIT TIRAVANIJA !! JIM DRAIN !! & BRIAN BELOTT !!) which they curated for WHITE COLUMNS . . . and, then still on the top row – we get a photo of SPENCER TUNNICK !!- who figured in the recent ‘Guest of Cindy Sherman’ – he was the video/cameraman for the early GALLERYBEAT, and the film also included brief snippets of one of his epic city nudescapes, as well.
. . . then the photos move over to MICHAEL MAHALCHICK and his ‘UNNATURAL DESIRES’ at CANADA, and then, in big turnaround – we get the very goth – one person S/HE GENESIS BREYER P-ORRIDGE show at the old PARTICIPANT on Rivington St, and last, a big bunch of photos on the CHARWEI TSAI ‘LOVELY DAZE’ event !! incl. CORY ARCANGEL, and many other of the young contributors and their art. there’s a good feel for the magazine itself. looking back now, it seems even more ‘gentle’ in its vision and touch, very intimate – as opposed to, say, the journal or ANP QUARTERLY, just as examples – of 2 other published magazine/collections of artist writings & work, with unique/signature styles of their own.
. . . the report ends with a big bang !! photos from – the ‘LOVELY DAZE’ Issue #1 after-party – a night not easily forgotten !! – JAPANTHER – played at a tiny dive bar, the ICU BAR on the fringes of the meatpacking district before the street got taken over by gentrification. OCT 22, 2005 !! MATT REILLY even had work in the ‘LOVELY DAZE’ inaugural issue.

see: the ‘LOVELY DAZE’ website/its quite beautiful – with issue archives !!