NANCY SMITH: contact


JUNE 26 – AUGUST 2, 2008

. . . a strangely quiet, almost empty, but very focused – small group show – curated by FREDERICK JANKA. The four featured artists – RASHAWN GRIFFIN, AMANDA ROSS-HO, JUSTIN SAMSON and JOSHUA SMITH – are given a nice serious stage to walk across.

according to the gallery press release – the exhibition is “defined by the intrinsic role of the artist’s muse, studio and living space in their artwork.” !!?
. . . further: “The ‘T’ in the title stands in for tellurian, underlining the uniquely earthly and human qualities under investigation by these artists. ‘Complex‘ is used in two senses, to both suggest the complexity of elements involved in an artist’s practice, and a reconfiguration of the Jungian psychological state of being bound excessively to these objects, spaces, and people.”

I think the artists break it down – a lot better than the press release does !! In fact, Justin Samson sent us a nice little note when we asked for more background on the mysterious title. “A Tellurian Complex refers to daily everyday activities, according to Fredrick (the Curator). The press release explains it better. I think it is a cool title, for me it sounds more Sci-Fi. A Tellurian is an inhabitant of the earth. John convinced Fredrick to just call it A.T. Complex . . . .” – JUSTIN SAMSON

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you can check out Genevieve k’s music on myspace – it’s pretty good – mystical, gentle dreamy freak folk – sort of !! – Genevieve K & the spectacular times
see: more pix of Genevieve & ORGY AZTEC/JCP: A New High in Getting Low !!

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JUSTIN shows us his ‘medallion’ – it’s one of JESSE GREENBERG’S plastic “touchables” (see below: BOBO’S on 27TH!!) – apparently Jesse gave one to Justin, BRIAN BELOTT and ANNIE PEARLMAN when they recently attended one of his art shows in Philadelphia. Justin turned his into a ‘pendant/medallion’. – whoa – YO !! – heads up, dude – JESSE !! – artlovers wants one too !! send an email & we’ll send out our P.O. Box. no joke. we’re so into plastic. and low-fi collectibles, too. double whammy.

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JUSTIN SAMSON in front of one of his best pieces so far, titled ‘UFO Encounter’, 2008 – acrylic paint and neon.

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another actually, rather arresting painting by JUSTIN SAMSON – ‘Mother’, 2008 acrylic paint and neon, 84 x 90 ins. – definitely makes you look back, twice !!

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JOSHUA SMITH contributes some, much more enigmatic work in the show. here he is flanked by JENN BREHM (left) and JENN TEETS.

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JOSHUA SMITH, ‘Untitled’, 2008 – yoga mat !!

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JOSHUA SMITH, ‘Untitled’ 2008 – C-print – rolled up & standing on end !!

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looking for Godot – oops, I mean, JOSHUA SMITH’S extreme response to the curator’s mission statement !! . . . .

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his .. JOSHUA SMITH, ‘Untitled’, 2008 – a Brass double headed hook !!

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we meet RASHAWN GRIFFIN, for the first time.

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RASHAWN GRIFFIN, ‘A Suit (there was nothing we could do)’, 2008. Fabric, wood, foam, plaster, paper, ink. 77 x 85 x 12 ins.

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RASHAWN GRIFFIN, a detail on the back of ‘A Suit ..’ .

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RASHAWN GRIFFIN, private musings – made public. a detail on the back of ‘A Suit’ .. .

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RASHAWN GRIFFIN, close-up of the hand, on the back . . . ‘A Suit’ . ..

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in front of RASHAWN GRIFFIN’S freestanding ‘wall’ assemblage piece – ‘A Suit’ .. GHURRON BRISCOE. Ghurron is the BF (boyfriend) of Katherine Bernhardt – he says she is on vacation in Greece – after a big year of churning out big paintings.

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AMANDA ROSS-HO in front of her wall supported wall assemblage piece – ‘Double Double Tragedy (Mime Attachment + Everybody)’, 2008.

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looking a little happier, for all the tragedy – AMANDA ROSS-HO.

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a partial view of AMANDA ROSS-HO, ‘Double Double Tragedy…’

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detail, of a small detail – AMANDA ROSS-HO, ‘Double Double Tragedy…’

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black & white painted paper cut-out letters – waltz along the bottom of the piece with dramatic effect. AMANDA ROSS-HO, ‘Double Double Tragedy…’

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a tiny ‘tellurian’ charm – AMANDA ROSS-HO, ‘Double Double Tragedy…’

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a gold framed collage of photos by JUSTIN SAMSON – sits very quietly up against the center of a back wall – but up close, yikes !! – this is the ‘break-out !! image – of the show.
JUSTIN SAMSON, ‘Orgiaztech performance’, 2008. Color photographs and gold spray painted frame. 16.5 x 20.5 ins.

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detail, photo, JUSTIN SAMSON, ‘Orgiaztech performance’.

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detail, photo, JUSTIN SAMSON, ‘Orgiaztech performance’.

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detail, photo, JUSTIN SAMSON, ‘Orgiaztech performance’