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~”Hobnobbing Zmirkies”/ROMAN KLONEK/opens to-nite/McCAIG-WELLES

Klonek # 1
artwork by ROMAN KLONEK/image courtesy: McCAIG-WELLES & ROSENTHAL

. . . this seems to be the guy who does that pretty awful SOY-JOY commercial on T.V.
the work actually looks better in the gallery format: on paper – and- digitally animated on the web. maybe, probably!! – the executives at SOY JOY – just dumbed him down.

in fact, artists, & graphic designers in particular, should check out his website – its operational underpinnings & spare, but striking images – are right on point.
here’s the first ‘welcome mat’ screen:

arwork by ROMAN KLONEK/courtesy
and, here’s the hot button to access the site and set that screen free & kicking !!!
check out: !!

the show opens to-nite in: surprise surprise/NOT !! – B-R-O-O-K-L-Y-N !!

“Hobnobbing Zmirkies” – A Collection of Works by ROMAN KLONEK
opening reception – to-nite !! – FRI – AUGUST 15 – 7-10pm
the show runs: AUGUST 15 – SEPTEMBER 8th, 2008

ROMAN KLONEK appears to have an international reputation, and is based in Dusseldorf, GERMANY. here’s some info from the press release – that isn’t up on the gallery website, yet ?

” … In the 1970’s the Kloneks moved from Poland to Germany, where he quickly became addicted to comics and cartoons. In the 1990’s he studied Graphic Arts in Dusseldorf and earned his diploma with 12 huge woodcut printings that showed the inner-workings of the human brain.
In 2001 he founded the Gallery Revolver with friends in Dusseldorf/Flingern, bought a printing press and started a never ending range of woodcut printings. Roman Klonek likes to draw heroes, mostly half animal/half human, in hair-raising situations. You may ask: How could this have happened? For heavens sake, how will this move on?
You will see snapshots full of adventure … captured by one of the oldest graphic techniques. Woodcut printing is based on the principle of a stamp. The reduced forms remind you of the first days of comics and cartoons …