NANCY SMITH: contact



ERIK FOSS PRESENTS: ‘HOMELESS AMERIKA’ – and, we add – it’s n-o-t a joke people, wake up !!

ERIK writes to tell us:
“This installation will be in SCOPE NEW YORK during the ARMORY WEEK.
The gallery that is showing it is SHOOTING GALLERY from – SAN FRANCISCO, CA.
It is my first piece in a New York City art fair, and I am proud to present: ‘HOMELESS AMERIKA’.
The piece is made of homeless signs that were purchased from the homeless.
The American flag is painted with spray paint. It stands 8 feet tall by 12 feet across.
A portion of the proceeds will be donated to local Manhattan homeless shelters.
I think the piece needs no explanation.”

SCOPE is at LINCOLN CENTER this year & runs thru MARCH 8th.

SHOOTING GALLERY is located at booth no. AO3.

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