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Eric Fischl card Oct 2009
the 8 x 8 in. hard cardboard invite for: ERIC FISCHL – 31 OCT – 19 DEC, 2009
the image is: ‘CORRIDA IN RONDA #6″ (DETAIL), 84 x 108 in, OIL/LINEN, 2008.

. . . guess this could be worth $1.2 million to somebody. if I had a choice, and esp since I missed the party – !! – which was open to all, bye the way, no lists – I’d stick to anything by either one of the ATM – SUTHERLAND BROS. . . . but who am I ? not to mention KELIE BOWMAN, ALLYSON MELLBERG, MIN KIM, PATRICK GRIFFFIN, CONRAD CARLSON, BRIAN CHIPPENDALE, KENNY KOMER, BORIS RASIN. JERRY BLACKMAN. even GEORGIA GRAY & JORY RABINOWITZ. well, and many others, yes. too numerous to pin down. contrary to what you may think – it’s rainin’ artists in this town. bigger dollars ?? well. ok. URS FISCHER. TAYLOR McKIMENS. for starters. don’t get me started. I’d rather plunk my money down and see it double in the very same instant, than sit around in a big bucks ‘holding & hoping’ position. where’s the fun in that ? anyways, I heard tell – recently, that the “big businessmen collectors” don’t get excited unless the price tags – are well over $1 mill !! so, hey – here’s your price tag – enjoy. am I serious, that’s for me to know, and you to squirm by. the art world – ain’t it a bitch ?

see: MARY BOONE, wow – she’s really up-dated her website – since last I looked.

see: ERIC FISCHL/MARY BOONE OCT 31-DEC 19, 2009 !!

. . . p.s. anybody else out there think – ERIC FISCHL looks just like – ART WORLD – BALLOON BOY – ‘WE LIVE IN PUBLIC’ INTERNET GURU – JOSH HARRIS – WITH THAT BIG CIGAR stuck in his mouth . . . ?!!