NANCY SMITH: contact


NIKKI McCLURE so, gets it right !!

if you are lucky enough to be in SAN FRANCISCO, the perfect antidote to that idiot art fair in MIAMI would be to check out an exhibit of new works by NIKKI McCLURE !!

NOV 6 – DEC 8, 2009
NEEDLES & PENS – 3253 16th Street – SAN FRANCISCO, CA.
HRS: open every day/12-7PM

. . . ” Revive. Embrace. Sew patches onto patches. Extend. Insure. Rely on stones and Mothers. Tell time by crow flight. Always learn and grow. Please. Make enough to spare. Seal summer away. Invite winter. Eat out. Make sauerkraut. Expand your use of tools.” – Nikki McCLURE

created from a single sheet of paper and an x-acto blade, McClure’s highly-detailed works were first popularized through their use on record covers and fanzines of the 1990’2 Riot Grl movement. Today, her iconic, intricately hand-crafted imagery can be seen in magazine illustrations, journals, children’s books, apparel, and in her much sought-after yearly calendar – press release

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