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~more pix from Newark !!

. . . Newark the new Lower East Side ?

the dive bar at the corner of ‘HOOK ‘EM and SHOOT’EM’, near the big old stone wall, Newark, New Jersey.

Courtney’s place is – just above – the light bulb – in the window – marks the spot.

no buzzer – you gotta yell out for them to come down and open the door – from the street.

once inside the first thing that greets ya – is a vintage writer’s – tableau.

Courtney’s living room.

that’s a large painting on canvas – by COURTNEY LEE KELLY – over the couch.


Courtney checking out his pix – with our host & guide for the evening’s foray into Newark – MATT ENGER of EXPLODING SKY – which also has its headquarters in Newark.

and in the back room – if it isn’t ALFREDO MARTINEZ !!

Alfredo looks to be not that ‘excited’ to have his latest whereabouts – “Where in the World is Alfredo ?” – updated so quickly. being that he is only a haircut away from his recent month’s long detention in China – he seems to have made a quick re-bound . . . though he still seems to be wary – or is it – holding a grudge ? – against Matt – for the time way back in 2000, or was it 2001 when Matt took a widely distributed photo of Alfredo asleep at the wheel – with a (fake) rat climbing up his stomach !!

Courtney’s studio proper . . .

back in the living room – we catch an early MARK ENGER portrait of ANDY WARHOL.
MARK and MATT ENGER are identical twins – army brats originally hailing from Oklahoma – who found their way to the Lower East Side – in the early 80’s – where they established their silk screen printing shop – EXPLODING SKY WORLDWIDE – and where the legend goes – JOSH HARRIS happened upon them – while out strolling around the hood – and worth a swift $80 million+ at the time – and as they say – the rest is history.

MATT ENGER – the evening’s guide and proud Alfredo spotter.

a smaller canvas by Courtney Lee Kelly.

another small painting by COURTNEY LEE KELLY.
ok. the background story is – Courtney used to be Mark Enger’s girlfriend – back in the days just after QUIET – got busted down by the cops & fire dept – where she lived with Mark in the basement – of the now newly termed – and transformed – into an artist fight club – yes !! – underground downtown arts complex – that Josh called – Luvvyplex !!

Courtney . . .

and Alfredo . . . no surprise – we left with two contradicting stories – they were either gonna be throwing pay-at-the-door raves to support the scene – or “Alfredo was moving out, tomorrow”.
guess we’ll have to wait for the next installment – of “Where in the World is Alfredo ? ” – stay tuned !!

OCT 9, 2010 – Newark, New Jersey.