NANCY SMITH: contact



from KELIE & STO:

The surviving family members of CINDERS GALLERY wish to extend an invitation to the memorial service of their soon to be departed 103 Havemeyer.

Please join us for a final celebration for 103 Havemeyer, who will die on December 22nd, 2010.
We will be honoring 103 Havemeyer’s life in a memorial service with family and friends on:

THURS DECEMBER 30th, 2010 at 6 PM

with performances by – but not limited to:
Bow Ribbon and friends
Tunde Adebimpe (TV on the Radio)
Lucky Dragons
Beach Fossils
Knyfe Hyts
Light Hits (Jessie Rose Vala + Kelie Bowman)
Maya Hayuk
Diane Barcelowsky
MV Carbon
Cassie Ramone (Vivian Girls & Babies)
Guardian Alien
Choos Majik (Todd Pendu)
Sto Temple Pile-Up (DUBKNOWDUB)
Todd Chandler (Dark Dark Dark)
Colin Langenous (USAisamonster)
Mike Colin (Aa & Valentropo)
George Ferrandi (Cloud Seeding Circus)
R.A.F. (Mudboy/Raphael Lyon)

103 Havemeyer FUNeral.
yep, they got gentrified out. it’s a sad day for Brooklyn.

I had this dream a few nights ago.
everyone was sitting around a huge family dinner table, and a happy little bluebird flitted overhead, like gentle music.
merry as it gently flew about among the many guests.
out of nowhere a huge horrible wide-gaping open snake mouth sprung out from under the table – it’s vicious jaws snapping at the sweet little bluebird.
for sure the bluebird would escape unharmed – how could a snake catch a bird /
but the little bird flew too low, lingered too close and the snake grabbed it right in its chest. its belly. and crunched it. crushed it dead.
end of story. no second chances. no looking back.