NANCY SMITH: contact


ANDERS NILSEN at the most recent, (ok. the second !!) BROOKLYN COMICS & GRAPHICS FESTIVAL, DEC 4, 2010.

born in northern New Hampshire in 1973, which makes him 38. ANDERS NILSEN is now based In Chicago.
they have: a good bio for him on DRAWN & QUARTERLY.

he’s signing the great, as in g-r-e-a-t !!
as in: SUBLIME, if not downright SUPREMO poster he did for the 2nd Brooklyn Comics & Graphics Festival, 2010.

one of the most interesting things about it – was that, unlike the first Brooklyn Comics & Graphics poster – which was done by the inimitable CHARLES BURNS as a limited edition run, (not numbered) on large scale. i.e. oversize archival paper, and was for sale. as I remember $50 ? – and don’t get me wrong, well worth the price !! yeah, indeed I scored one. as in put up the bucks – it was that good. The Anders Nilsen poster went the complete opposite route !!

it was mass produced on newsprint, and was stacked everywhere – to be picked up, and had for free.
as many as you wanted !!

all photos above: NANCY SMITH

the ANDERS NILSEN newsprint poster for the 2nd annual BROOKLYN COMICS & GRAPHICS FESTIVAL, DEC 4, 2010.
11-1/2 x 8 in. folded – 23 x 16 in. total surface when opened up.
image courtesy: Brooklyn Comics & Graphics Festival

you can check out more on ANDERS NILSEN – on his whimsical website – which has the sweetest drawings & animations ever . . . just what the Dr. called for – in this long hot SUMMER of the DEAD & SUICIDED.
sweet=violent, go figure. he does it.
you know just like in those ole time fables and GRIMM BROS. FAIRY TALES. though maybe in this case, it might be more apt to reference HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN.

yeah, def see: ANDERS NILSEN !! – and have fun, playing around…

ANDERS NILSEN – BOOK COVER: ‘Great Gtasby’ for Penguin UK (2010)
and, where if you browse even briefly – you can come across this recent book cover – he did for Penguin UK.

plus you gotta love his subject ‘headings’ !!
this illustration is for: PRESS.

he also runs a blog – which he updates with pix, sketches, book signings & tour dates and, a fine line humor !!
see: the monologuist !!

from a recent tour diary entry: “The guy across the aisle” !!

and “EUTHANASIA JONES” . . . !!
(Crackula – armed with an Alfredo Martinez Saturday nite special – move over !!)


let’s turn the SUMMER of the DEAD, a little (sad) background music, please . . .
BRITS: ALEXANDER McQUEEN, and AMY WINEHOUSE. at home in the USA: skier JERET “Speedy” PETERSON, and really at home, the BUTCHER of BROOKLYN . . . to the NORWEGIAN fascist madman – who just made STIEG LARSSON words – jump to life, again with meaning. . . . not to forget (my) theivin’ lyin’ Aunt Piggy, gross !! in Toronto. not to forget the free-for-all wild wild west frisbee – that is the web. topic no. 1 on CNN this week. put it all together and what do you have. the dead artists club. oh yeah.
yeah, let’s turn back the summer to: the beach ? gardening ? peace ? love and hope.
pastrami sandwiches ?
not surfing. they just lost one, too. not the local Amish. they just lost 5 seeking state-of-the-art “high tunnel low tech greenhouse” technology – to, what else a drunken driver. we are a fragile, squishy lot aren’t we.
and, leave it to a cartoon artist – to give it a shot.

ANDERS NILSEN . . . a ‘chapter’ logo from his website.