NANCY SMITH: contact

~speaking of the devil . . .


it seems the dead aren’t content to just communicate – from beyond the pale – they also want to be seen !!

as in: photo op.

long story short: BRICE MARDEN and his wife, artist HELEN MARDEN – you go girl – livened up the summer’s PAGE SIX offerings with a little marital tangle . . . hey, when you are married – shit happens. never mind after 32 (!!) years.
but, one: we call them groupies now, not muses.
and two: whatever goes down – it is way nasty to rub it in the wife’s face – on her territory. then it’s not about the helpless idiot guy – it’s all about taking down the wife.

so . . . where’s sweet dead Dash Snow figure in all this ?
when I went to see if I had any pix of the headlining couple – I found I did. at that great and early DASH SNOW opening – ‘Silence of the Only True Friend That Shall Never Betray You’ – (ha !!) – the inaugural opening of the short-lived RIVINGTON ARMS, the 2nd bigger gallery space – run by (co-founder) MIRABELLE MARDEN, daughter of Brice and Helen.

DASH SNOW opens ‘Silence of the Only Friend That Shall Never Betray You’, Rivington Arms, East Village, NYC.
SEPT 7, 2006
DASH !! – demanding and getting – face time – from the beyond . . . happy to oblige, dude.

also at the opening, back to us, foreground – artist MELIA MARDEN, (their other daughter) – with her parents: mom painter HELEN MARDEN, and dad, painter BRICE MARDEN . . . SEPT 7, 2006.

(and that’s a damn good photo of Dash – even if I have say so, myself.)

read all about it – here: they even just posted a photo of the (sullen) ho !! (bottom – first link)

see: unamused by hubby’s muse . . PAGE SIX/AUGUST 9, 2011

see: affair wasn’t platonic: artist . . . PAGE SIX/AUGUST 10, 2011

and most def, see: the rest of the pix from the DASH SNOW OPENING, ‘Silence of the Only Friend That Shall Never Betray You’ !! you’ll even catch – another set of those out-size ruby red lips !!