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~MARC JACOBS – lost & found !!


it’s LORENZO MARTONE (left) and MARC JACOBS at the hyper-active, totally thrilling . . . . MAURIZIO CATTELAN retrospective at the Guggenheim !!

MARC JACOBS is in the news today because apparently someone took off with his entire spring/summer 2012 clothing collection in London this past Wednesday. according to the NEW YORK POST:

“Details were scarce, but it was believed the collection was in a delivery van when persons unknown looted it.
The New York-born Jacobs used Twitter to ask for leads in the mystery yesterday.”
“See any chic truck drivers cruising around Europe dressed in [Jacobs’] #SS12 Collection?.” he tweeted.
“Get a pic & call 212-343-0222. Reward.”

but apparently busy man that he is, he made time to catch the super feisty Cattelan retrospective just before he split New York for London, last weekend, – Sat Nov 12, 2011 !!

and, yes just like the rest of the excited, and super animated crowd there, he seemed absolutely enthralled by the once-in-a-lifetime experience. he was also probably pretty happy he didn’t pay attention to the New York Time’s so-called voice of authority – that would be: Roberta Smith’s low rent take on the show – which didn’t seem to have held any negative sway – in the fashion world. and trust me, the fashion world knows a good art world event, when they see it.

this is the multi-faceted view he was looking at . . . the hooded, hands impaled by pencils – scribe . . . named, after who else ? Charlie !! . . . right on. maybe Cattelan will treat us to a “Roberta” version – for his next go-around ?
MAURIZIO CATTELAN , ‘Charlie Don’t Surf’, 1997
School desk, chair, mannequin, clothing, rubber, paint, shoes, and pencils. Edition 1/3.
lent by: Andrea Thuile and Heinz Peter Hager, Bolzano, Italy.

a swinging (!!) body bag . . .

a swinging 40s matron . . . looking down,

and a not-so-dumb … donkey dead straight ahead.


‘MAURIZIO CATTELAN: ALL’ – at the GUGGENHEIM, Nov 4, 2011 – Jan 22, 2012.