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watch: ‘DICE FIELD’ – a random input digital animation by LUKE MURPHY, and check out some his other truly awesome projects while you are there . . LUKE MURPHY / !!

talk about animation that isn’t a line drawing, and isn’t human – though it sure looks human-like, doesn’t it ?

LUKE MURPHY, know as the Rev Luke Murphy – for his design and computing skills, is also the right righteous dude who has kept this low-budget, really no-budget !! indie, really really jerry-rigged site, called artlovers – up and running, and hack free – for many a year.
He’s also an extremely creative and original thinker, did we mention that ?
a big thank you – cool hand Luke !!

p.s. yes !! that is Luke’s random animation ‘banner’ – that runs such a pretty digital animated game – interactive, too !! – at the top of this page !!