NANCY SMITH: contact


well, r-r-really, WILLIAMSBURG !!

new construction going up, everywhere.

metal, glass, steel-ly, modern and twisted ? as in unsymmetrical . . . or is that: asymmetrical . . .
no diff. it going up. anyways. hey, at least it tapers off, and you can still see that blue blue Brooklyn sky !!

every block is like a patchwork quilt. between the new, the old, and the in-between.

converted industrial lofts . . . and ground level warehouses.

the new construction homes are super clean. blinding-ly white.

what happened to all that ole red clay brick. gone, gone, and more gone.

unless – it’s gentrified – !!
and then it gets the modern sheen, too. super clean, spit polished. power-hosed ?

but, KEY ISSUE: you can still turn a corner – and find the graff.

for now.

note: the ‘AVAILABLE’ – as in: ‘FOR SALE – KALMON DOLGIN REAL ESTATE’ sign at the left.
the writing’s on the wall, sweet dudes & dudettes. it’s only a matter of time, and it all comes tumbling down.
they should save this block – like the pyramids. as if.
dreamer, dream on.

SHEPARD FAIREY . . . red, white and black.
making spray paint – look like some kind of simulated ole-time embossed, flocked ? vintage velveteen wallpaper.

note: the barbed wire running like rusty ole-time – tumbleweed, across the top. and, the (shiny) new construction at the left. (!!)
sharp vs. shiny. ouch.
in fact, I kinda like how the new buildings – are so shiny and white. they work well against the ole-time grit !!
and they reflect the sunlight – like nobody’s business. where’s Winslow Homer, when you really need him.
it’s just the sad downside is they spell: gentrification. no more grit, or graff.

better live in the moment, in-between . . . while you can.


what if, I don’t want to ?

every respectable backyard hood – still needs its gas stations . . . and motorcycle mechanics.
motorcycle mechanics – art patrons, no diff.
in fact probably better & more important . . . keeping, it real !!
and on the streets, Free. and for all . . . where it belongs.
Somebody put that wall under a piece of glass. where’s Jeffrey Deitch, when you need him ?

well seriously, they should – at least landmark it.
you just know – it’s not long for this world. g-e-n-t-r-i-f-i-c-a-t-i-o-n.
imagine if the city had let people buy up some of those saturated spray painted, super tagged 70s subway cars . . .
just a crazy thought. but for real, they should have at least kept a few choice ones.
that would have been one museum – people would be pouring into, now.
probably be the city’s #1 tourist attraction.
bringing in tons of $$$.
man, they’d be selling at auction for tens of millions of dollars. no brainer.
what’d they do, like bury them underwater ?
yeah, that was some real forward urban thinking, wasn’t it.
tear down a tree, put up a parking lot.

wow. Brooklyn. what was that ???
did we just go from OBEY to un-OBEY in the space of one block. yes, we did !!

BROOKLYN – the un-FAIR !!