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~ALISON PEBWORTH – Americana Travelling Show . . .

it seems to be the last week to catch ALISON PEBWORTH’S – ‘BEAUTIFUL POSSIBILITY’ – TRAVELLING ACROSS AMERICA – TOUR, for now . . . anyways !!

OCT 15 – OCT 29, 2012

186 CARPENTER – is a storefront and office space . . . that presents arts programming and current events in Providence. hit the link – to see more pix of the space . . . small town urban/rural America, oh yeah !!

Providence is a beautiful word, it means:
1. care or preparation in advance; aka foresight.
2. prudent management, as in economy.
3. Divine care and guardianship.

ALISON PEBWORTH – ‘Beautiful Possibility’ – Title Banner.
featuring: Laudah Equiano, Tahcoloquoit (Sauk & Fox Chief), and Olive Oatman.
acrylic on canvas, 42 x 30 in.

‘Beautiful Possibility’
is a touring exhibition & research project that takes as its inspiration the 19th C. American Travelling Show.

for more banner photos, see: ALISON PEBWORTH ‘Beautiful Possibility’ – TOUR BANNERS – there are 10 altogether and each one is awesome – definite hit that link, and check them out.

ok, here’s one more:

Dick Cheney, Black Hawk, Seven Sisters on Mato Tipilia (Devil’s Tower).
acrylic on canvas, 42 x 30 in.

watch: San Francisco-based ALISON PEBWORTH, on the right – being interviewed at the SIGNAL+NOISE MEDIA ART FESTIVAL, 3 years ago.
(interviewer and interviewee – look to be of the same gene pool, no ? quelle fun !!)

check out: her website, ALISON PEBWORTH

and for sure, check out: her Roadside – Show & Tell

I really like her concept, and her GRAPHICS . . the bits of animation (!!) and the over-all web site design/organization !! . . . . as well as the paintings.

you go, girl !! tour that big bad America !! and . . . shine the light !!