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while I was at PACE PRINTS, 521 West 26th St, checking out the HOW and NOSM show, I caught a great SHEPARD FAIREY, down an extended exhibit – hallway.

SHEPARD FAIREY, ‘POWER (Metal)’, 2012.
screenprint in three colors on aluminum plate with spray paint. 56 x 42 in.
Edition of 5.

the message is clear.
the riff . . is bouncing off ROY LICHENSTEIN & comic book art, in general.
though the ‘drippy’ stuff, around the ER – is much more contemporary, makes me think of TAYLOR McKIMENS.
that ‘drippy’ stuff – is what takes the piece to another place.

plus it’s a nice tension/contrast – that it’s drawn so awkward and skimpy, as opposed to more bubbly or robust.
makes the over-all expression of the whole piece come off as more authentic and spontaneous, and in that sense – more powerful, raw.
as opposed to a more ready-made ‘canned’ goods, ‘perfecto’ – stylized-type composition.
of which Fairey is clearly capable.
he didn’t just phone it in, which at this point . . he could easily be doing.
the artist has survived mega-success, and is still – in the room.

beautiful draftsmanship. as grenade morphs into spray can.
very simple, very bold, graceful. eloquent, knock down – graphic info / expressive.

love how the OBEY GIANT logo is half off, and half-toned.
the message is clear, but the pictorial range runs from obvious to . . not.
adds a third dimension, in what is other-wise a flat plane piece.
it’s like Fairey himself, remains . . in the picture.

the metal plate ground – is very cool, too.

also nice touch, detail: how the circle around the logo is ridge-edged to mimic the barrel of a gun.

what a ride that OBEY GIANT has taken, from the early days plastered all over Manhattan, to sitting on a high-end print !!
nothing April Fool’s day – bout that.
esp since the mainstream press, insert ‘New York Times’, specifically . . ROBERTA SMITH, either totally ignored the work, or trashed it outright when it came off the street, and popped up . . in exhibits.
specifically: DEITCH PROJECTS . . SHEPARD FAIREY, ‘MAYDAY’, MAY 1 – MAY 29, 2010.
(& check out the show’s poster !!)
ROBERTA took one of her first big falls in credibility – with that.
so, happy April’s Fool Day !!

more power – to the mainstream . . ignored !!
the underground is not so underdog – anymore.