NANCY SMITH: contact


OCT 24 – NOV 29, 2014
HRS: FRI & SAT / 1-6 PM or by appointment

GREENPOINT TERMINAL GALLERY is a small, but big ambitions . . artist-run gallery in Brooklyn, and the – artist who runs it is . . BRIAN WILLMONT.
he has his own studio behind the gallery, so making an appointment to see the shows – is . . NO BIG DEAL. he’s a very friendly, engaging, social is the word – and smart, guy. he’s definitely taking the ‘Brooklyn’ brand . . forward.
the contact is on the gallery website.

RYAN TRAVIS CHRISTIAN, ‘The Scientist’, 2014.
color pencil on paper, 10.25 x 12.75 in.

RYAN TRAVIS CHRISTIAN curated the show – pretty much everything was made specifically for the show. the many & very diverse contributors were given like 2 months – to come up with something about ducks !!
what is it about ducks, anyway ?

I asked BRIAN, why the ducky theme ?
and this is what he said: “I think RYAN chose ducks because they’re funny and silly. He has a history of ducks in his work and there’s a rich history of ducks in cartoons, which he works with a lot.”

it’s a very retro – theme. I was thinking DAFFY and Donald and all that, incl Mother Goose – must have been before ca. 1940, when more people grew up on farms, or closer to rural areas – and ducks had big CHARACTERS in the family yard. !! now we all live in cities and only know rats, dogs, cats – and, Sharks !!
and, oh yeah – pigeons.

sure enough in a nice essay on the show, ‘What the Duck ?’ posted by OPENING CEREMONY
we get to learn that RYAN “recently moved to a house with a pond in the suburbs of Chicago, so he’s had a lot of time to observe them” – who’s the leader of the pack, etc.

I’m thinking there is something about ducks – that goes counter intuitive to the fast paced and high risk world today, so it was even more interesting to see such a big group effort – trying to pin them down, or is that – set them free.
ducks, they not only seem akin to humans, but they get cut up a lot, comically speaking . . and hunted into food, more ominously. yum yum Peking duck. so there’s got to be a moral in there – somewhere.
but – on with the . . show !!

ERIC SHAW, ‘DuckDuck’, 2014.
vinyl paint and gauche on paper, 16.5 x 11.5 in.

MATT LOCK. ‘Ruffians Visiting an Art Exhibit’, 2014
mixed media on paper, 8.5 x 12 in.
($120) (wow – that’s a STEAL !!)

CASSIE MARIE EDWARDS, ‘Sitting Duck’, 2014
oil/alkyd on paper, 11 x 14 in.

SOFIA LEIBY, ‘DUCK (after Steinberg)’, 2014
acrylic on Arches paper, 7 x 11 in.

JOSH REAMES, ‘Fucked Up Mallard’. 2014
acrylic on canvas, 12 x 16 in.

MORGAN BLAIR, ‘Quack is Wack’, 2014
acrylic and sand on panel, 11 x 14 in.

detail, MORGAN BLAIR, ‘Quack is Wack’.

STACIE JOHNSON, ‘Ducky duck’, 2014
acrylic on cardboard and paper clay, 5 x 8 x 1 in.

LOUIS SCHMIDT, ‘Duck Study #12’, 2014
acrylic and graphite on paper, 11 x 14 in.
I liked this one – because the duck was so . . pensive, and sad.

MATT LEINES, ‘Duck Hunt, a Humorous Rifle Industry Publication Aimed at Japanese Children’, 2014
ink, colored pencil, and graphite on paper, 8 x 10 in.
it was great to see this piece in person, I liked it because it was so graphic as only MATT LEINES can be, in that twisty & funny . . offbeat, upbeat . . you know kind of way of his, you know . . aimed at children, and, Japanese at that !!
yep, looking a lot like a woodblock print.

detail, MATT LEINES, ‘Duck Hunt’
more like a tarot card, than a how-to-hunt, and KILL . . ?!!
your OWN species ?!!

EDRA SOTO, ‘Duck Parts (Milagros)’, 2014
Tooling metal, Dimensions variable.
talk about complete . . deconstruction.

CHRISTIAN REX van MINNEN, ‘Duckface’, 2014
oil on panel, 14 x 11 x 2 in.
it’s the tattoo – on the face . . !!
awesome / gruesome, off the wall. funnie. lush. not a bad price – either.

ADAM SCOTT, ‘KALLE ANKA (Leave Me Alone)’, 2014
color pencil on paper, 11 x 14 in.

JEREMY TINDER, ‘Sliced Duck’, 2014
acrylic on wood, dimensions variable.

JAY STUCKWISCH, ‘Two Drakes’, 2014
Digital on canvas, 11 x 14 in.

BRIAN COOPER, ‘Empty Space is Not Nothing 9’, 2014
oil on wood, 9 x 12 in.

DANIEL ALBRIGO, ‘3 1/2 Ducks’, 2014
gesso on linen wrapped panel, 11 x 14 in.

in the CHINESE HOROSCOPE . . to be DUCKY, is to be . . LUCKY !!