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~how low – can you go . . ? / UP-DATE: SAT FEB 21

pretty far, actually.

funny how things synch up, funny how round the world . . turns,
direction: WEST !!

all the way from KKK/KANYE WEST & O.J. via AMBER ROSE, onto MM/MICHELE MACCARONE, via how-low-can-you-go NATE LOWMAN and ending up with . . JERRY SALTZ ?!!

you might have caught my big rant on SAT FEB 14th ?
turns out it was a really hot weekend, Saturday was Valentine’s Day and yesterday, was FAT TUESDAY aka MARDI GRAS !!

so things were heating up mad, and . . YES, I DID FEEL THE HEAT.

in the pop culture that rocks us hard, whether we know it or not, things were hot as hell.
BBW in the art word, ‘n BBQ in the fashion-celeb word !!

BBQ – ?
AMBER ROSE goes commando ballistic mad, or as she calls it, ‘South Philly’ !! on her ex KANYE WEST via KHLOE KARDASHIAN . . and nails it very nicely in just a few words, and, of course little North sporting a bullet proof vest c/o KANYE – priceless. I love little North. I hope she gets to watch cartoons, and if they ever put her butt naked on the beach – shilling Guess jeans, ala GIGI HADID, I’ll have a fit.

so, who knew Amber was such a creative genius – posting the meme of all mothers, o lordy, while briefly stooping to call O.J. (“the man who got away with murder”), and in a sense he is . . Khloe’s dad !! !!

of course this bloody Valentines Day massacre goes down just as Kanye gets his mement, I mean moment !! in the fashion world sun, and his song with Taylor Swift, and Paul McCartney, at the Grammy’s – was hardcore . . wow.
gritty. and so are his – boosts. and his referencing of VANESSA BEECROFT.

read: AMBER GOES ‘SO PHILLY’, CALLS KIM . . a WHORE !! and, worse !! – DAILY MAIL

didn’t I tell you that, just last week, at Taylor’s opening: it’s a PHILLY INVASION – !!

so much for crispy well-burnt celeb BBQ,

in the art world proper, it was:


MICHELE MACCARONE GOING SOUTH, and we don’t mean her upcoming expansion to L.A. – !!!

actually Michele Maccarone is someone I love to hate, so I actually did go off on her on Sat, but then I thought twice about putting out so much negative derision on the Day of Hearts, and retracted.

but funny how the world spins, and things started to line up in such a groovy connect-the-dots fashion, I just have . . to re-visit.

first up, was the crazy cozy pairing, after the fact – of NATE LOWMAN and his ex MARY KATE OLSEN, aka THE OLSEN TWINS in the ‘OFF DUTY’ section of the WSJ – just in time for VALENTINE’S DAY WEEKEND.

so are MARY KATE & her sis . . justified or what / and big time !!
BOHO – that was their look !! before they clamped down, went THE ROW – in the face of mass criticism.

and just inside, on PAGE 4 – thanks to the recent contemporary art auctions, a little art world BUYER BE WARNED /BBW – chart !!
and, guess whose on it, and . . tanking ?
yep, sad to say .. NATE LOWMAN thanks in part to the careful, translate: awful . . curation and representation of, by one MICHELE MACCARONE, his dealer.

‘ARTISTS TO WATCH’ – compiled by KELLY CROW, WALL STREET JOURNAL – ‘Sotheby’s Shakes Off Doubts’.

and note: there are only 4 artists who made the list, and ONLY ONE is going south, and that be: NATE.
and, yes – that is a god awful ‘MM” painting by the way.

“Art world wild child NATE LOWMAN, 37, scored at auction in 2013 with a series of works that look like giant bullet holes on walls. But sellers looking to flip the American artist’s works for a quick buck this week found a soft secondary market . ‘Six Shooter’, a series of “bullet holes” from 2005, attracted low interest at Phillips, and sold below estimate at $170,000. The seller of 2011’s ‘Trash Landing Marilyn #12’, (the painting in the chart) who bought it in 2013, took a 10% loss at Phillips when the work sold just above its low estimate for $650,000.”


but what really go me to re-post, connect-the-dots !!
was that I had pegged Michele Maccarone, and very nicely I thought – as having her “nose-out-of-joint” meaning unbearably snobby, wrong, and just plain . . stuffy.
you know, stuffy . . nose.

when on quite another cyber research project yesterday, I actually stumbled across JERRY SALTZ and his wonderful chronicle of MICHELE MACCARONE and her BROKEN NOSE . . at VENICE !!
too funnie !!
and, JERRY SALTZ taking pix !! hilarious !!
well you only need to catch the moment if it’s hysterical, by that I mean newsworthy, and so yes he even had a pretty awful photo of Michele and her broken nose, kudos . . JERRY.

but BTW BBW, Jerry – don’t lose the day job !!

read: JERRY SALTZ with the tale of Michele Maccarone’s broken nose – artnet


now this was from when NATE was GREAT, but that was the last time I ever set foot in that god-forsaken place, talking about . . tragic ‘maccaroni’ westerns, west side NYC, and all.


UP-DATE: SAT FEB 21, 2015

first of all, turns out to be a classic Western frontier, CLASSIC AMERICANA story . . or what ?!!!!
slice and dice, . . and all.

and there’s more on the . . PHILLY FRONT – !!

while I was stabbing, o.k. slice and dice metaphorically . . MICHELE MACARONE here in the fringes of west side NYC, some bad action was going down, in where else .. Philly !!

two members of NICKI MINAJ’s tour crew got stabbed in the CHE BAR & GRILL in PHILLY the night before this was published, that would be Tues night FEB 17, 2015. the news has just started to surface. De’Von Pickett a stage hand for Nicki died, the other crew member is hospitalized. they were only in Philly for 2 days !! for tour rehearsals with Nicki’s BF rapper MEEK MILL – who’s from ?
where else: PHILLY !!


something bad-ass in the water – in Philly.