NANCY SMITH: contact

~BAZAAR TEENS . . intro to ‘TREE-TECH’


if NICHOLAS STEINDORF & DARREN WILL . . were the live wire digital artists of SPRING BREAK 2015, and BHQFU were the dead-pan live wire office act, then BAZAAR TEENS . . were the live wire traditional painters – gone wild !!

and we’re still on a nano, micro / scale . . . break-down !!

talking about which, nano / micro, mini, mini-me . . . aka the small vs the large,
I ordered Chinese take-out last night, and this was my fortune cookie fortune:
‘No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible’ . . ?!!
dot dot, dot !!

well for one thing, BAZAAR TEENS was all about . . showmanship !!
(among other things . . )
this radical, light-beamed gateway, industrial chic . . was about the only real ‘lit up’ space entry – ?!!
I guess this gift for the far-out. a form of self-promotion, that transcends all expectation to become an art form unto itself, comes from their older, wiser, even crazier juiced-up . . leader – DUSTIN YELLIN.
apparently it’s just not in this twenty-something generation’s . . bones.

walking around this ole post office . . turned alternative exhibition/convention hall – I couldn’t help but sadly remark on the lack of imagination and ingenuity in getting people to come into one’s booth, and then socking – it to them, and . . posting the prices !! ‘transaction’ – dudes !!
I could not believe how tapped-down most of this young generation was. and they probably think I’m a live wire – light bulb, best toned down 4 shades of grey ?
good luck with that. purple, purple. purple.

I told NICHOLAS STEINDORF and DARREN WILL, of the flashing emitter / evolving bio impulse – videos, one is actually titled “PURPLE” – though ?!! that they should set up a card table in front of their room, and/or a bunch of lawn chairs, something anything, a banner that ran 2 ft high: proclaiming ‘video animations $1 per 1 MB’ – but they were having none of that, they were not budging.

so this neon sharp citric purple light was – great . . . a little drama, a little fun, super electric daisy . . doorway.
magic . . beckons.

give him credit, he pr – amped up the fair, for everybody.
his curatorial project, Bazaar Teen – was like the deconstructed heart beat, the friggin’ heart, cut live from the body .. and still beating, beating, bleating, and b-l-o-o-d-y.

the ‘TREE-TECH’ . . showroom.

loved how everybody, including the boss, was wearing disposable haz-mat suits.
you can just make out, their . . BIG TEEN ‘NANO’ MOMENT, the tiny green ‘TREE-TECH’ logo, on their chests.

it reminded me of ‘QUIET – WE LIVE IN PUBLIC’, except the ringmaster was JOSH HARRIS, not Dustin, it was downtown NYC, not Red Hook, and it was wild !! all over. a million dollar Millennium party to beat all. it was 90+ uniformed live-in artists, not 6. whatever.
I hit the wall, when I realize that was 15 years ago, and most of these Spring Break kids are barely 27 if that, so how old were they then, 12 ?
well you can always catch up and see the movie of that wild 24-7 party / tech start-up that won Sundance 2009 – ‘WE LIVE IN PUBLIC’, it’s all there, in it’s deconstructed . . 24/7 surveillance- wired glory !!

omg, the future looks sludge-y !!
a DIY fountain, spouting day-old coffee – starting to get the picture ?!!

lonesome and forlorn, the ‘pot’ of liquid gold – under that rainbow . . ‘arch’, awgh.
yuck-y !!
the water has gone . . . all yuck-y !! surprise, surprise, NOT.

it would get much worse, as the days passed. just like our own earth. damn.
realism, quelle vie.
they just needed a few random . . shooters, desert rats come to take over the leaking, broken ship.

the plants in the window – would go south too, all things come to an end.
entropy, hubris, the compost – of it all !!

more on BAZAAR TEENS go wild – tomorrow, got to run.