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~JACOB GOBLE . . BANKRUPT !! and then . . some !! incuding Underdonk & ALEX SEWELLL


opened Sat Sept 12, 2015
the show runs thru Sun Oct 4, 2015
HRS: SAT & SUN / 1 – 6 PM

JACOB GOBLE opens . . ‘Bankrupt’.
‘Colorado’ – behind him !!

and no, he’s NOT !! bankrupt in ideas, quite the contrary.
lots of ‘context’, lots of great, really ‘true’ spatial painting, lots of strong color field, lots of fade, lots of imagery, lots of retro signage, and many sweet touches of souvenir, touristy nostalgia. lots of hands-on painting. in other words, lots of everything, peopele are talking about, and doing it – well. and, with wit.

want to see . . the serious ‘spatial’ and ‘plastic’ concerns, he has, at play ?
hit this: gallery link, for a gorgeous, large sample.

JACOB GOBLE, ‘Colorado’, 2015 – in collaboration with LISA CANDAGE GOBLE.
oil on canvas, 20 x 24 ft.

detail, ‘Colorado’ – this painting is made so vibrant by the collaboration.
LISA CANDAGE GOBLE, in fact Jacob’s wife, is also a very gifted and seriously art-smart character, even though she tries to fly in, under the radar as an ‘outsider’, as if !! it’s pretty easy to see she has a well-trained eye, as well. her curious ‘leaf’ embellishment to the background totally escapes kitsch, don’t even go there, but provides a wonderful foil that plays against Jacob’s hand – with not only a great design & narrative element – but with quiet verve. it’s a strange pictorial, translate: original !! vibe to sustain, and it works well.
to experience both their different techniques, and voices is – really an awesome experience.

and, don’t even get me started on the price. $1,500.
absolute . . doable. if not a steal.

‘Colorado’ detail, the souvenir ’tile’ – is by Jacob. great faux ‘post card’ painting, great painterly action – at play.
folk art ?

LISA CANDAGE GOBLE, it’s so great they had to guts to collaborate, like this.
if you were ever needing a secret weapon, Lisa would be – your best bet !!

on the right:
LACEY FEKISHAZY, the founder/co-director of Sardine.
walking around NYC, is seriously like opening a can of sardines !! so many diverse talents, all writhing and rocking and rolling – on this tiny, super creative island. I asked Lacey what she did for a day job:
oh, she’s a draftsman for the SOL LEWITT ESTATE !!
she worked on the wall project that was just completed & is also being introduced to the public, in an opening tonight – at the PAULA COOPER GALLERY.
‘The Xerox Book’, a group show including a SOL LeWILL piece, a four part, color pencil and graphite wall drawing from his 1968-1969 ‘Drawing Series’, now up at Paula Cooper, 521 W. 21st St, till Oct 24, 2015.

on the left, with Lacey – is her good friend, AMY FRANCES FRAHER who runs her own Creative Management, Branding & Production company: GOOD BLU.

JON LUTZ, who is a co-director with Lacey, of Sardine .. with LISA CANDAGE GOBLE.
Lacey and Jon have run the space together for about 2-1/2 years now.

I got a little distracted by this run of wooden shelves in the front of the gallery. made me think of the TWO SHELVES, the pop-up gallery space run by indie curators KELLY BJORK and JOE RUDKO, in their home – where DREW MILLER had, his mini, but sensational !! show this past summer. if you hit the gallery link, you can see his work still up on the home page. don’t blink !!

I meet artist ALEX SEWELL at the opening. he told me about a big opening happening later the same night at Underdonk, also in Bushwick – about 5 blocks away, which I couldn’t make – had a dinner party to run to.
but sounded fun !! maybe next time !!

yes, my super hungry hyper-new-culture fiends, feast your eyes . .
on the quirky art of: ALEX SEWELL.

and, of course !!
check out: Underdonk – 1329 Willoughby Ave #211, in Bushwick.
L train to Jefferson, HRS: Sat & Sun / 1-6 pm
now showing what looks to be an extremely dynamic pure painting show:
‘NEW AMERICAN PAIN’ – curated by JASON RAMOS, from Eastside International, out of LA.

wow, so much serious painting.
but, let’s get back to the – prize – in hand !!
JACOB GOBLE, ‘Prize’, 2015. oil on linen, 3 panels, 5 x 7 in. each

if you couldn’t figure Jacob Goble for a really serious, talented, intense, and even, my fave – a color field painter, look no further.
who needs words with paintings, like this. sheer magic.

from the gallery:
“For BANKRUPT, Goble steals, and then runs with the icons, color, and language of the television game show “Wheel of Fortune”. Over the 30 years that it’s been on air, it’s rules, prizes, and even hosts have remained the same. It’s a benign institution. (!!!) A dependable place for easy chair fantasies. For Goble, it’s serving as a template to bring up cutting edge analogies on making art, the art world and life as a whole. He reminds us that the saving grace among these familiar rules and traditions, is the presence of the artist’s hand and vision.”

‘MAINE’, 2015. JACOB GOBLE in collaboration with LISA CANDAGE GOBLE.
oil on linen, 20 x 4 in.

in this piece, the roles are reversed, JACOB GOBLE painted the Maine pictorial ’tile’, and LISA CANDAGE did the misty background !!
thrilling to really look into what each brings to the table.
totally hot duo, in a most under-stated way – or, what !!