NANCY SMITH: contact


the ‘RED ENVELOPE SHOW’ at GRUMPY BERT in BROOKLYN opened last SAT FEB 6, 2016
and runs thru SUN FEB 28, 2016

more on the show: Red Envelope Show – GRUMPY BERT

sub-title: STAR WARS vs the FLIGHT of the HUMAN Bio-Imagination.

at left, a peek of an enverlope by HENRY BOHAN, at center 2 pieces by DANIELE DeJESUS, someone who has specialized in the hyper ‘mini’ – for quite a while.
($80 ea.) one was already SOLD by the early start of the opening.

BWANA SPOONS . . . lol, you find me: speechless.
all . . the power to ya. Humans are so funny, aren’t they.
($66 ea.)

DIANNA XU . . . lol, I loved these.
a girl after my own heart. scale is scale is scale !!
size is relative . . and, things can get even smaller – in weirdo universe – that we call home.
($25) SOLD
lol, Collection: NANCY SMITH . . Theo bought me 3 of her pieces for Valentines Day.

DIANNA XU . . . so, scale this iconic Star Wars spaceship down, in another leap, i.e. from the real (relatively !!) huge sci-fi galactic traveler – to the tiny one, on this 3.5 x 6.5 in. envelope – and then we are talking, truly micro mini – as in: invisible to the human eye . . but, OUT THERE !! and probably all around us, as we speak.
($25) SOLD – Collection: Nancy Smith

detail, DIANNA XU . . . whoosh !!
micro mini nano – spaceship, hell yeah !!

DIANNA XU . . . the cutest, smartest sci-fi trip . . ever positioned on a tiny red envelope, or what ?!!

detail, DIANNA XU .
plus, that was my single fave part of the new STAR WARS: the newest droid . . BB-8 !!
great design – on ALL LEVELS.

($25) SOLD the night of the opening.
damn, I really wanted to buy that one, too.

JENNY ACOSTA . . this one was fun, too. it was actually in ‘real’ size. but seriously, consider the Star Wars scenarios above – in contrast !!
spaceship = candy. that’s what I’m talking . . about.
not to forget: the HUGE POWER of the HUMAN IMAGINATION !!

INKSWORTH, changing gears.
the human form in its most beguiling.
($200 – interlocking set of 3)

INKSWORTH . . . a flight of the bio human imagination.
as opposed to the Star Wars spaceship . . !!
‘imagination’ vs ‘space travel’ – where can one go . . . the furthest ?
on a tiny red envelope . . . only the tricky Monkey knows – for sure.
($150 – set of 3)

continues . . .