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~ABE LINCOLN Jr. . . NYC / Charlie Brown ? not.

Summer in the city . . . can’t take the heat ?
Finger by . . Abe.

Abe Lincoln Jr, ‘city intervention’ – photo image by @BKLenny / @BKLENNY – via Instagram
#streetart #nyc #streetartnyc

nice light bouncing off the hot steel, or what.
black & white: rules. urban hieroglphs. code for civilized/non-civilized . . behavior ?
industrial chic – too. not too shabby, either.

& file under: epiphany

It suddenly struck me that Abe Lincoln Jr is the great anti-Schulz. Charles M. Schulz; the Peanuts, Snoopy, Charlie Brown, even Peppermint Patty and all – of street art & this generation’s answer . . to the demise of comics in the dailies / newspapers.
and, the M stands for Monroe.
Monroe, Lincoln, get it ?

arrgh . . can’t take the heat.
I’m melting, melting, melting – I tell ya.

sticker art by ABE LINCOLN JR – via Instagram @abelincolnjr
@abelincolnjr: ‘#finalmeltdown”.

sticker art by ABE LINCOLN JR via Instagram @abelincolnjr
“Put this up by a bougie outdoor cafe at Lincoln Jr Center”.

haha. your mom’s Charlie Brown, not.