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~VIRTUAL DREAM CENTER 1.0: WELCOME – NICHOLAS STEINDORF / ANTONE KONST & MATHEW BUSHELL . . indie rules the web / update: link to ZACH_Version..1.0 walk-through on YouTube



& . . .

WELCOME TO: VIRTUAL DREAM CENTER 1.0 – @virtualdreamcenter

see: Index – Jean-Baptiste Lenglet

it’s an international ‘space’ station / digital art venue / animated game !!!!!!!

because of the far-reaching, archiving & self-publishing contemporary ‘digital’ universe – not only can . . . small indie, either solo curator/director or collective-run gallery/project venues, even apt living rooms, & apt basements, lol – thrive, but – so can . . venues that are solely internet-housed.

case in point: the VIRTUAL DREAM CENTER – a digital/curatorial artist project / web ‘game’, founded & run by JEAN-BAPTISTE LENGLET, who is Paris, France based.

on the VIRTUAL DREAM CENTER website – you can now catch some awesome, glorious digital clips of the first pioneering programs:

Le Hall des Sculpteurs / Benoit Aubard, Anne-Charlotte Yver – Storage Facility / Jonathan Meese – Extension of the Dictatorship / Nicholas Steindorf – Zach_Version.1.0 (walkthrough) / Antone’s Sculpture Garden / and . . . Don’t Look Down (!!!!!!!)

yeah, art lovers, FOR SURE – CLICK HERE:

HIT – & take this futuristic digital/video . . trippy, trip !!


here’s one highlight:

check out, wow: NICHOLAS STEINDORF – ZACH_Version.1.0 ‘walk-through’- on YouTube


TRIP, trip, trippy . . . the cosmic universe is infinite, and unknown – with its full potential yet to be mined, or what !!!!
ditto: the digital & infinite internet ‘universe’.
and ditto: therefore the indie art world.

status quo – watch out !!!!!!!
there’s . . . NO, NO. NO. / NOT. . . . GOING BACK.
the ‘indie’ genie – is way . . . out of the box – !!!!!!!!!!!

and with it, 2 NYC / BROOKLYN-BASED artists: NICHOLAS STEINDORF & ANTONE KONST . . have helped plant the first flag on the digital sector.

actually, make that 3 NYC / BROOKLYN-based artists: MATHEW BUSHELL has work in Antone’s digital . . garden / which is a ‘curatorial’ project.

Dark times . . seem to be the siren call of Nicholas Steindorf’s . . dark, ZACH vision.
Take heed, my friends.
we do so so so – have our hands . . tied behind our backs.

NICHOLAS STEINDORF: ‘ZACH suspension sculpture’, detail.

NICHOLAS STEINDORF: ‘ZACH suspension sculpture’, detail.

NICHOLAS STEINDORF, ‘Antone’s Sculpture Garden – inside ZACH’s head’.

NICHOLAS STEINDORF: ‘Antone’s Sculpture Garden (view inside ZACH’s head)’.

the knife blade is . . animated / kind of . . pounding waves, the ocean -or- a view of Mar’s surface / lol.
JACK GOLDSTEIN – ‘Butter Knife video’ . . move over !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ANTONE KONST: ‘abstract point of view on Antone’s Sculpture Garden’.
I’m thinking there needs to be some joy / pure art. aka art for arts sake – because who would we be / if we didn’t have hope. even the cavemen stopped to smell the flowers, paint a palm print, bead a necklace.

ANTONE KONST: Japanese – Antone’s Sculpture Garden.
that must be Nicholas Steindorf’s ‘ZACH’ at the . . right.
that feels really futuristic doomed – if you ask me.

MATHEW BUSHELL / ANTONE KONST: ‘abstract view of MATHEW BUSHELL #PA_EZT_0004_BLACK sculpture in ANTONE KONST – Sculpture Garden’.
tell me, is the Matrix – not next . . in the cosmic works ?
there’s something real, real spooky about all those, never-ending, gorgeous not one the same planets, and the ever-increasing vast vast vast ocean of infinite stars, not to mention whole universes.

if you don’t think, there’s not untold & profound powers – of some kind out there, you should rethink Stonehenge, and all the other 5,000 / 50,000 year old ‘primitive’ temples / and ‘calendars’ . . they keep un-earthing from the jungles – and just keep yourself, keep on . . keeping on.
apts in Brooklyn are expensive, and I bet even more so in Paris. and the rent is due on the first of the month, so best . . to keep your head down, slightly ?
play your part – in the daily grind. tread lightly ?

trip lightly, too.

ALL PHOTOS: VIA INSTAGRAM / @virtualdreamcenter